I opened his door silently. He was sound asleep. His lids shut, with no stress. I was the first to really see him not secretly stressed. I didn't want to wake him up. I decided to lay on the floor. I used my coat as a blanket and my shirt at a pillow.
When I woke up, Carl was still sleeping. The sun has rised. I just stood up and put my shirt on. When I turned around and glanced at Carl, he was blushing. His eyes were still shut though.
"Hey fake sleeper you didn't do well on hiding a blush." I spoke.
"Screw you." He mumbled with his morning voice playfully.
"When?" I laughed softly before walking downstairs.I heard footsteps follow me.
"Hey shortie wait up!"
When I turn around I saw Carl running at me.
"Why did you leave?" He stared.
"No need to know." I looked away.
"Fine" he sighed.
"Hey Carl?" I asked before he could walk away.
"What?" He turned to me.
"Are you and Enid a thing or something?"
"Yeah..."I only nodded then ran and grabbed my coat. After that I put it on and darted outside. I saw Enid. I decided to run up to her.
"Hey." I spoke friendly.
"Hi..." She glanced/glared at me.
"How are you?" I ignored her glare.
"Fine...need something?" She spoke.
"No hatred or anything I just heard you and the kid are going out." I spoke calm.
"Yeah what about it?" She half smirked.
"Nothing just uh...good luck dude."
"Yeah yeah brat." She groaned.
"Speak again?"
"You heard me."
"Uhuh thanks chick. Get over what ever I did to upset you which was nothing."After that I rolled my eyes and turned around. She decided to punch my back. I quickly turned around and slapped her. Before anyone yelled at us I decided to be mature and walk away.
Days passed by and she acted nice to me. Once I trusted her we became friends. So Rick made me and her go get some stuff out of the gates. That's when she changed. Back to the cruel one. She grasped her knife. I noticed and grabbed mine. That's when she quickly stabbed me in the stomach. I fell to the ground in pain. She just ran off.
I lay there as she goes to Alexandria.
Enid's POV:
I walked back making sure no blood was on me. When I entered everyone seemed worried. It did take a long time."Get what's needed?" Rick spoke up.
"Couldn't find anything."
"Where's Liv?" Carl looked around.
"No idea she was behind me."
"She'll be here soon." Rick looked at Carl.Everyone nodded.
Liv's POV:
It was late and I barely could walk. When I fell, I collapsed on my ankle. I just weakly crawled. Barely even a crawl. I was bleeding a lot. I was pale, cold, afraid, hurt, and dizzy. I heard footsteps. I'm sure it was a walker. I hid quickly.