Chapter 2 School

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Okay, you are still here, great.

So, my school is a good school, it's just the people in it. They try to help like way to hard and they go way too far. It's irritating. And then the pupils there. I hate them. They are a few groups I know.

1. The Idiots. This is the group that are always getting into trouble. Some of the guys are attractive, lets say, but they fight back. And the girls are stuck-up bitches!
2. The Weirdos. These guys are the ones who are always being weird and talking about random things all the time.
3. The Quiet Ones. The quiet ones are very nice in the class, but outside, they are WAY different.
4. The Doodlers. (I'm one) They are always drawing on something, either their hand or their jotters.

That's the groups, sometimes they can be mixed together though.

Right, back to school. After the holidays, something is different. Either the people you hang with (probably not) or there are new teachers. Some are nice, some you want to fucking throw down a flight of stairs. It's actually a mutual feeling.

One of my worst subjects at schools is Science, how the hell are you expected to remember fucking, the entire periodic table without throwing your jotter at the cunt and shouting "Fuck No!!!"

It's so much writing this, shame I can't add sarcasm to it though.

So, anyway, I think that people learn Drama in different ways, like I am doing Stage-Fighting and sometimes I get so tempted to just grab one of the fuckers and punch his fucking teeth down his throat. I would love to do that. Anyway, getting back to this, I really like Drama, i would love it more if I had another teacher than Mrs Tits-in-your-face.

I am not joking, her tits are huge! She probably would give herself a black-eye if she tried jogging, but then again she wouldn't run or jog, she's that fucking fat that I'm surprised she can stand.

Hello and I hope you enjoyed this second chapter of Life Sucks. Please leave some questions for me and I will try answering them.

Bye Humans!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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