"Fawn, death glaring at the clock won't make it go faster." My best friend Cole enturrupted me mid-glare at our frickin' class clock. We officially had 5 whole minutes till 2 and a half months of freedom.
"Shut it Cole." I groaned at him. He smiled his innocent smile and all my momentary anger dissolved.
"Looks like you need a new pet Emy." a girl named Amber said from the back of the class. Okay so incase you can't tell I HATE MY FRIGGIN' NAME!!! The only person that I let call me Fawn is Cole (because he is so cute and innocent it just makes you wanna hug him) so anyway.....everyone else calls me Emy.
"You better shut the funk up before I stick my foot up your butt." I warned her. She cringed momentarly before regaining composure.
She started to say another snidy comment but Cole said "Forget her Fawn. And umm I wanted to ask you something later on...."
"Sure. What is it Cole? Didja wanna go play video games at my house? I got that new Call Of Duty game!" I said exciteadly.
"Ummm not that I-" Cole was cut-off by the bell and I ran for the door. He tried to keep up with me but he's shrimpy to everone else and they kept pushing him around till he fell. Sighing I walked to him and helped him up."Thanks Fawn." he said as he got up. His dark brownish/red hair was a mess as usual, his eyes were light blue, and he was tiny with his 5'5 frame and skinny body. "Fawn. Earth to Fawn. So what do you think?" Cole said with a light blush.
"Ummmm about what?" I asked confused.
"Do you wanna go on a date with me or not?" Cole said in a hurried and almost annoyed way.
"A date to play video games?" I asked stupidly.
"No, Fawn, a date-date. Like a dinner date." He said.
"Oh umm sure." I said.
Cole smiled and a loud honk was heard. "Got to go. We are gonna go to Mexico for vacation."
"Wait what? When are you coming back?"
"Ummmm a week before school starts." He said as he ran to the car. "Bye Fawn!" He yelled over his shoulder. "I'll talk to you later."
"Ummmm bye Cole!"
~~~~~~~~~2 months and 1 week later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
God it was boring without Cole! All I did was read, work out, and swim.......Anyway today Cole is coming back and I'm excited to see him :D I took a quick shower, pulled on a pair of short shorts and a tanktop, and now I'm waiting outside my house for his stinkin' car.
I grabbed my phone and a deep voice said "Hey Fawn!" I looked around but all I could see was a tall (like 6'5 tall) guy with tanned skin, muscles that buldged from his shirt, and beautiful blue eyes I had never seen before. "Hey Fawn." he said again and I looked around for Cole. "Fawnette Emerald Jasper, its me Cole." the guy said and I gasped.
"Ummmmmm do I know you?' I asked him