The alarm rang loud in the bedroom. Ally moved in the bed but felt strange. Her stomach and head were aching. She hummed and turned to find Benedict yawning and passing his hands on his eyes. He blinked a few times before looking at Ally. Benedict suddenly changed expression "Babe you look pale. Is everything ok?" He was concerned. Ally smiled softly "No worries, hun. It's just a cold. I'll be fine." "Ok. But please, don't come at the office today, take a day off." Benedict said in a low voice. "Darling I can't. Mark and James wait for me to revise their articles and I have to finish my review of the Brown's renovation." Ally said. Benedict sighed. "Ok, but once you've finished you come back here. I'll do my best to come back as soon as I can." Ally rolled her eyes "Ok, daddy." They both smiled softly.
After months of waiting, Ally finally had her own office. It was close to Benedict's and had glass walls, so that they can see each other working. Her desk was simple but nice. The glass top was really gorgeous and Benedict wanted for her the best chair and the best computer to work with. Ally put on her hands some frankincense cream and started working. Stomach and head couldn't stay calm but she tried to control herself while reading Mark's and James' articles. Suddenly, Ally felt like someone was looking at her. She turned right and caught Benedict standing at the glass, staring at her. "Go back to work!" She mouthed. Benedict smiled "I can't! You're stunning!" He said and sent her a kiss. She answered the kiss and went back to her work. After a few moments, she raised her head just in time to see Anne entering Benedict's office, a small grin on her face. Her head started to ache harder but she didn't move. Without making Benedict see, Ally turned her chair to face the scene.
"Anne, may I help you?" Benedict said gently. "Yes Benedict, may I?" Anne said, pointing at the chair in front of him. "Yes, yes of course, sit." Benedict was puzzled. Nobody except Mark and James called him by his first name. And Ally, of course. "Benedict, it's been 6 months since you're here and we haven't had the chance to speak properly." Benedict raised a brow. "Ok, go on." He said. "Well, I wanted to ask you something." Anne was nervous. "Would you like to go out with me tonight?" Benedict froze. He stood up from his chair and went to the window. In the other office, Ally tried to understand what was happening. "Anne, I'm flattered by your offer but I have to decline." Benedict said gently. Anne stood up from her chair and reached him by the window. "Oh c'mon Ben, I know you don't need Ally. You need me. I can see that in your eyes every time you look at me." Anne said, placing a hand on his chest. Ally started to feel sick. Benedict grabbed Anne's wrist and muttered "Anne, I think you got wrong about me..." but Anne interrupted him with a kiss. Benedict stood still, trying to keep Anne away from him but her grip was too strong. Ally, in the other office, couldn't believe at what she saw. She vomited in the basket under her desk and ran out of the office, slamming the door. Mark and James immediately followed her and Benedict watched the scene in between the kiss. Finally, he managed to keep that woman away from him and screamed "ALLY, NO!" Anne smiled and grabbed his hand "Come here dear, she doesn't deserve you." "Leave my hand Anne. I've never liked you and never will. You're the worst journalist I've ever had the misfortune of knowing. You're fired. Keep your stuff and leave. NOW." Benedict hissed and left his office running. He reached the hall and found Mark and James, both concerned. "Where is she?" Benedict was scared. "Don't know Ben. She left running. What the hell is happening here?" Mark asked. "Mark, I think I lost her forever." Benedict started crying.
Ally ran for almost a mile without stopping. Her head was burning and her stomach was aching hard. She finally stopped to calm and take some air. She realized she was close to Benedict's flat and started crying.
Then, all happened. A loud noise, a big crack. After that, darkness.
Benedict was trying to call Ally. He left a few messages on her phone but she never called him back. He was sitting at his desk trying to keep calm but tears went down his face uncontrollably. Suddenly, his phone buzzed. "Ally dear please tell me where are you?" He said. A male voice on the other line froze him "Erm, no sir. This is Doctor Ross. Do you know Mrs. Sullivan?" Benedict was puzzled "Yes. Yes of course I know her, she's my girlfriend." The doctor on the other line sighed. "Sir, I think you should come here."
Benedict drove fast with his jaguar. He reached the Mercy Hospital in less than 10 minutes. Mark and James followed him. The three entered the hall running and suddenly a doctor blocked them "May I help you, sirs?" Benedict talked too fast "Doctor Ross, he called me for Ally Sullivan." "Oh, I see. Wait here." The doctor ran and disappeared. Benedict started crying again and turned to Mark and James, both concerned. "That's my fault guys, it's all my fault..." He muttered. "Don't ever think that, you silly!" James said. "Jim, she saw me with that bitch and ran away. It IS my fault." Benedict sobbed. "Shut up. If you need someone to kill, that's Anne. I'll find her and skin her." Mark hissed. James looked at him and hit his arm. Doctor Ross finally appeared "Who's Mr. Cumberbatch?" Benedict suddenly stood up, his eyes red with tears. "It's me, doctor." "Oh, hello sir. Look, Mrs. Sullivan is out of danger, and so is the baby. She's asleep now and..." "S-sorry, w-what baby?" Benedict couldn't understand. Mark and James were puzzled. "Yes sir. Mrs. Sullivan is pregnant. Two months, actually." Benedict put his hands on his mouth. Mark and James looked at each other crying. "As I was saying, sir" Doctor Ross continued " Mrs. Sullivan is under controlled sleep. She had been invested by a car and has several broken bones. The driver said she was in the middle of the street in shock. Do you know why?" Benedict sighed. "Yes, sadly I know why. It's..." Mark interrupted. "It's been a busy day at work, doctor. Can we see her, please?" "Just one of you. I'm sorry." Doctor Ross said. James put a hand on Benedict's shoulder "You go Ben. She needs you now." "I don't think she wants to see my face when she wakes up." He muttered but made his way to Ally's room. She was sleeping peacefully, but her face was full of scars and her arm was tighten in bandages. Benedict cried silently and sat beside her. "I'm sorry dear. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have let Anne come in my office. I should have fired her months ago. You were right, you were always right. But I love you, Ally. If you hear me, please believe me." He cried over holding Ally's hand and suddenly felt asleep.
A few hours later, Benedict's hair was moved by something small and cold. He stood up and found Ally awake. He smiled gently and grabbed her hand. "Oh God Ally you're awake!" He whispered. Ally nodded in response. Her eyes were sad. Benedict understood and started. "Ally please forgive me. I didn't want that happen. I fired Anne, she's gone now." Ally tried to sit in the bed, Benedict stopped her. She finally spoke in a very low voice "So you don't like her?" "I love YOU Ally. Nobody else. That's all I need to know." Benedict smiled and kissed her hand. Then, he became serious. "Since when you knew about him?" And saying that, he put a hand on Ally's stomach. She took his hand in her and said "About a month. I was scared of how you could react. I want to keep this baby, Ben. But if you don't I understand." A tear went down Ally's injured face. "Hey, look at me." Benedict said "That's the best gift I've ever had in my own life. I want you both by my side. I want this baby with you. I want you, Ally Sullivan." Ally smiled and kissed him lightly.
Outside, Mark and James looked at the scene in front of them crying with happiness, their hands holding tight.