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"No! Do we have to?" I pout as misha tosses me a button down.
"Yes I'm sorry" he says.
"Can't we just stay up here and lock her out?" I ask.
"I did you a favor its your turn"
"Ok yesterday I started it and you're glad I did aren't you? I know your were masterbating in the shower"
"That's not the point" he blushes.
"But professor I've been a bad bad boy and I really need that A" I joke biting my finger.
"No. Jensen and also yes jensen but not until Wednesday" I pout fall in back onto the bed.
"I don't want to see her!" I shout.
"Jensen shut the hell up and put your shirt on"
"Fine" I stnad up and swing the shirt on and start buttoning it  up.
"See you look handsome" he says brushing something off my shoulder.
"Do I have too?" I pout my lip out.
"Do it for me? I'm doing it for Leila so make this less painful by being there with me"
"If I have to" I tug on his tie.
"I love you" he smiles.
"I'm still not happy about it!" I say putting on my shoes.
"Just think Leila made dinner and you look better then when I saw you for the first time- well..that's a lie but still you look perfect and I look good"
"I don't look better then what like 9 years ago?" I ask.
"You look amazing now but the day I say you..you had your hair all combed nicely and you're freckles were so out there and you were laughing making your face go red and when you opened your eyes they were shining so bright. Then you saw me and well" he says going into the bathroom.
"Was I shining brighter?" I ask
"Uh you stopped everything and looked over at me. But then you went back to whatever you were doing. Do not remember the first time we saw each other?" He asks.
"I do but I remember staring at you"
"For about 4 seconds" he walks back out smelling like cinoman and...fruit?
"It felt like forever. That's why I looked away I was afraid somebody would make fun of me...you know looking at the person who would only be there for like a week."
"Well that's one long week" he pulls me up.
"Do we have to do this dinner mish?" I ask while he opens the door.
"Jensen. Please" he says irritated. I roll my eyes following him. "Need any help?" He asks Leila.
"Nope I'm doing this all" she smiles.
"Okay then well be in the living room" he sits down on the couch and I go sit on the chair. "Jensen?" He asks.
"We always sit together.. What's wrong?" He asks.
"Seriously what the hell is wrong?"
"I think this is stupid" I answer.
"Then go away! God. I'm doing this for Leila! And you-you don't even care! Go fucking go somewhere else if its such a problem!" Misha yells.
"Maybe I will!" I stand up.
"Jensen please!" Leila starts crying. "I can't do this without you guys. Please" she crys louder. I look at her sniffling then back at Misha who is obviously also upset.
"Okay I'm sorry" I kneel down. "How about you go finish dinner and aplogize to misha" I ask wiping a tear away from her cheek. She nods walking away.
"Can we please put away why your mad at me tonight for her?" Misha asks.
"Fine" I sit back down at the chair.
"This is...haha yeah" My sister says pushing her food around her plate.
"I think its great" I take another bite.
"I was hoping to talk to you alone" she says to leila.
"Well I wanted my dads here" leila says.
"Leila. Honey. They aren't your dads"
"Yeah we are?" Misha and I both say.
"No you're her uncle and you...her other unlce I guess? You guys aren't her dads." She says. "Plus I think as daneel more as a aunt then I do misha"
"What's that suppose to mean?" I ask.
"I think you should've married a girl"
"Why?" I ask annoyed.
"A man shall not lay with a man" she snaps.
"Or how about this, you shouldn't cheat" misha says.
"Yeah. So what if they're married. At least they didn't leave they're children and run off" leila says.
"I love Misha, Nancy."
"Well I loved mike but look where we are now"
"That's different we aren't banging our neighbors oh and we work through our fights not drink tell it goes away" his hand moves into mine as I speak.
"I want Leila back. She shouldn't be growing up with faggots"
"Leila is legally ours. We adopted her when you left"
"I want her back"
"I don't want to go back" leila stands up. "I love them more then you. They took me in when you didn't want me" she says and then runs upstairs.
"I want her to grow up with a man and women in the house" Nancy says.
"I can't do that" I tell her.
"Why not"
"Because I love misha. I'm not going to leave him because you want leila to grow up in a heterosexual home. What we have is a home. We care for her and we care for each other. Im in love with misha and I love leila." I squeeze his hand.
"I think you need to go" misha says. Standing up. He walks her to the then shuts it. "Don't you dare say I told you so" he says leaning against the door. I get up and walk over to him.
"I told you so" I smile. "And I'm also sorry for being a jerk to you. I love you." I whisper with my hands on his cheeks.
"I love you too" he smiles.

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