Talking dreams

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"So Harry what do you pick?"
"I pick talking dreams." Harry told her.
Ginny nodded as she sat down on the couch and start to sing,"This is a short race, this is a short life
Let's run, not walk, through this beautiful life
This is a good day, this is a good sign
You've got green eyes and I've got sunrise

We're falling sideways, big lights freeways
Heart beats through me, through this beautiful life

We're talking dreams maybe
Let's run away to New York City
We're talking dreams baby
We'll cut the strings maybe
Through rose-colored lenses
Try not to forget it
We're talking dreams maybe
We're talking dreams baby, yeah

(We're talking dreams baby)

This is a short race, this is a short life
Let's run, not walk, through this beautiful life
This is a good day, this is a good sign
You've got green eyes and I've got sunrise."
"So he has green eyes?" George asked.
"Well that is what the song said." Ginny told him.
"BLOODY HELL!" Fred yelled as he shot strait up.
"FRED! Watch your language!" Molly scolded.
"Sorry mum it's just I think I know who her boyfriend is!" Fred exclaimed as he shot a quick look at Oliver then back to Ginny. Witch caused George's eyes to also widen too.
"I think it's time to put you guys out of your misery." Ginny told them," The last song of the evening will be my personal favorite Let's Love." Ginny said with a sly smile.

Singing into his heartOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant