"Wake up," I trying to wake up Maddie,
"I'm up," She says stretching,
"I'm glad Mom got Maya and Shaylinn to school today," I said,
"Me too!" Maddie said. I pulled open The curtain that separates Maddie and Kendall's rooms, then pulled open the one the separates mine and Kendall's so I could talk to Maddie while I was packing and getting ready.
"2 night?" Maddie asked,
"Yup," I said heading over to my closet. I opened the rest of the curtains on my way by, it makes to room seem more open.
My closet has 2 sections, a regular clothes section and a dance clothes and costume section. I grab my group dance costume and my solo costume. Then I grabbed my Dance Canada sweat pants from last year and my ada jacket. I have these really cool boot like things for warming up and stuff. They go over my shoes so I don't get them dirty and they keep my toes nice and warm. I started packing my competition bag, it's really cool cause it has this rack you can set up and hang costumes and mirrors off. Our studio brings a bunch of portable mirrors with lights up the side, they're really cool.
"Kenz?" Maddie asked
"Yup," I called back,
"Cooper is coming to see your solo right? Not the group." Maddie asked,
"Yea," I said,
"Okay," She said, I could tell she was excited about it.
"Don't be kissing in the audience during my solo," I said,
"Don't worry, it will be all eyes on you," Maddie said,
"Mmmhmmm," I said and Maddie laughed.
I made sure everything was in my competition makeup case and bag. Then I packed my own duffle bag with my warm up pants, ada muscle tank, some crop tops, pj's other clothes. Basically everything I need for 2 nights. I put my portable charger and charger in my purse. Time to get dressed. I threw on black leggings and a loose pink t-shirt. All set.
"Kendall," I said, walking over to her bed.
"It's time to get up KK," I said shaking her a little bit.
"Kenzie?" She said yawning,
"You don't have to go to day care today, your spending all weekend with me at dance," I said,
"Yay," She said stretching her arms and yawning again. Then she got up and went down stairs.
I quickly finished packing then brushed my teeth and brought my bags down stairs. Breakfast time!
"What would you like today Miss Kendall," I asked as Kendall walked over to the breakfast bar or island, whatever you call it.
"I want chocolate chip pancakes!" Kendall said,
"Okay! Chocolate chip pancakes for everyone," I said as Maddie came downstairs. Mom was out running some errands but she'll be back soon.
"Breakfast is served," I said a few Minutes later.
"Yummy Yummy!" Kendall squealed with delight,
"Strawberries and Whipped cream?" I asked,
"Ohh my god why do you have to be good at everything you do. You good at Cooking, your an amazing dancer, your now a pointe shoe model and your modelling for KC Kisses. Like please, give me some of your talent," Maddie said and I laughed,
"Pancakes are not that hard to make," I said,
"When I make them they are either burnt or way under cooked," Maddie said laughing.
"I'm Back," Mom said as she came in the door,
"Hi Mommy," Kendall said,
"Did you sister give you sugar for breakfast again," Mom said taking off her jacket and coming over to the kitchen.
"Maybe," Kendall said,
"Looks good," Mom said dipping her finger into my whipped cream then licking it off.
"Heyy," I said,
"I bought the whip cream, therefore I can have the whipped cream if I want," Mom said,
"There is a whole container in the fridge, why don't u eat that?" I asked,
"It tastes better when it's on something your eating," She said dipping her finger in my whipped cream again.
"We gotta go soon," Maddie said,
"So, Is my 4th son coming to see my 3rd daughters solo?" Mom asked,
"He comes almost every competition," I say finishing my pancakes,
"You two have been inseparable since you were 2 years old," Mom said. We actually have a picture of us wen we were two holding hands in our house hanging up on a wall, I also have the same picture in my room and my screen saver is me, Cooper, Maddie, Laila and Kali, and that's on my phone, laptop and ipad.
"Everyone ready?" Mom asked as we were slipping on our shoes.
"Yup," we replied and it was off to Brampton.
"Laila, Kali," I said and ran to hug them,
"You girls saw each other yesterday," Melissa said,
"Maddie!" Laila and Kali said hugging Maddie,
"Hi Kendall," Laila and Kali said crouching down to around Kendall hight,
"Aia and Kawlie!" Kendall said excitedly,
"She still can't pronounce it right," Laila said standing up,
"It's number 1 on her To Do list." I said and laughed,
"Hey, so you and Alexis head to head, that's gonna be intense," Laila said,
"I know," I said,
"Are you nervous?" Kali asked,
"Kal everyone is nervous, a good dancer doesn't let her nerves get to her, no matter how intense it gets." I say,
"I wish I was as confident as you guys, you do solos all the time," Kali said,
"Speaking of solos. I hear you have one next Sunday," Maddie says to Kali,
"Yup, it's a really fun acro solo. I don't want to spoil it, it's one of my favourite solos ever." Kali says,
"We'll be there watching," Maddie says,
"We better get going girls," Melissa says.
"Is everyone ready?" Miss Brittany asks,
"Yup," We all say as I slip my warm up bootie things on.
We head to the practice room. It's good to go through the your numbers and practice before you go on stage. It helps work out any last minute things and makes sure everyone knows the dance. Overall it brings more confidence to the group.
"And 5,6,7,8," Miss Brittany says. This Dance is called Miss Fits. The story behind the dance is we are all miss fits, we don't fit into the group we are supposed to be in. But by the end we all form a group together. I really like dances that have kind of dark stories to them.
"And now Entry 196, Miss Fits," The Announcer said. The crowd clapped.
The rush of getting onto the stage is such a good feeling, it doesn't matter how long you've been dancing, the rush always comes back.
War is Over
RandomMackenzie is 12 going into grade 8, she was born on December 31st and she weighed 4.6 pounds, but she was healthy. Now going into grade 8 she's 4.4 and weighs 67 pounds. Mackenzie is a dancer and always has been. She's been dancing since she was 18...