Best Friends

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All three of you had arrived back at your apartment now from the long days shop. You all got into your pj bottoms and sat on the couch and put on some Netflix but no one was really watching it.

Both Anna and Saff looked at each other and then back at you. You were soooo confused "what?" You said looking at them.

"Well you know before when you bumped into that boy?" Saff said with a slightly weird tone.

"HE GAVE US HIS NUMBER TO GIVE TO YOU" Anna blurted out with excitement.

You choke on the sip of hot chocolate you had just taken. "HE DID WHAT??"

Then Anna passed you the slip of paper which had a number written on it.

"Why the hell would he want me to have his number?" You remarked.

"Did you not see the way he looked at you, he was totally into you" Saff said getting really giddy.

"And your obviously into him" Anna added.

"Guys shut up no I'm not he was cute but that doesn't mean I'm into him" you said

"Oh come on Mandy, in the past three years I have known you not once have you never got angry at someone singing oh Mandy to you other than the first time it happened and him singing it to you" Anna said with a huff at the end.

You start to think to yourself, was Anna and Saff right was I falling for someone I knew nothing about. You decided to add the number to your contacts, I'm surprised I even remembered his name to be honest. You didn't text him though as you had no clue what you were going to say and he had probably forgot who I was anyway. The thought of that kind of made you upset.

After the girls had calmed down about what had happened earlier, you decided to go to bed as it was 12:30 and your eyes started to feel very heavy.

"Night guys" you all call out at the same time. You hated when those sort of things happened.

Then out of nowhere Anna shouts to you "don't dream too much about Joe"

You glare. Even though she couldn't see you she probably knew what your reaction was. That's what you loved about Anna and Saff, because you had gone through so much together you had an unbreakable bond and even if we weren't next to each other you would know what each other's reactions would be to any situation. With that thought you'd eyes closed and you fell asleep.

A/N~ There's chapter 3 for you guys, if there is anyone actually reading this l. Sorry it was late I had one of my GCSE's so I wanted to actually pass it so I had to revise. Anyway I'll see you in the next chapter 4.

Bye Guys :) x

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