Liam's POV
Sitting in my boss's office, his intense glare is on me I can feel myself sweating. I take a deep breath adjusting my body and wait for him to speak. I wonder what this is about, am I getting fired?
"Liam, Liam, Liam...we need to have a talk about some things." I look up from my little thinking trance into intesnse green eyes.
"Things like what Mr. Styles?" I hope I didn't sound to dumb. I am just really on edge rught now.
"Well, lets see... Your job, the money you owe me and the favour you will agree to doing for me so you don't have too repay me my money. Other shit like how you are we'll talk about later. So where's that money Liam?" he asked eyes not leaving mine.
"I dont have it sir. Wh-what kind of favour is it? I d-don't have to kill anyone do I?" I sit there awkwardly, literally shaking in my boots.
"You must not believe everything you hear from other staff. I have never sent out anyone to put down another. I believe the person who has done wrong will get what is coming and rightfully deserved." Mr. Styles said wisely.
"I believe so too." I said.
"Good. Good. Now Liam you would like to keep your job, am I right?" He asks while repositioning himself.
"Yes sir, I would" I nod with my repsonse.
"Tell me if I'm wrong, Which I doubt I am, but you dont have the money do you?"
"No, I don't Mr. Styles" I say lowering my head.
"Good, I'm going to need you to do that fav-" He stops mid-sentance, becasue my phone interupted him. Shit! I checked the caller ID and see it was my step-brother Zayn, what could he possibly want right now!
"Sorry Mr. Styles" I put out before I answer the phone "Yes, Zayn"
"When are you coming home?"
"I'm in a meeting with my boss right now Zayn. Is this important?" I aksed smiling at my boss when i had mentioned him.
"I'm bored and you promised that you would come home early so we could chill together. I havent seen you in while my dear brother." I sigh he was right. Work has been keeping my pretty busy. Mr. Styles especially, but I work to pay the bills and help Zayn save up for school.
"I know, I'll speed home right after work. " I said to my step-sibling before I hung up, putting my phonr into my pocket, sitting up straight and my full attention back to my boss. I look to Mr. Styles to see him coming closer towards me, and pulls a chair next to me.
"Liam, was that your boyfriend?" he asked with a little more than curiosity.
"No sir, my younger step-brother" I say. He smiles and returns to talking
"How old is your step-brother"
"About, eighteen sir."
"May I see a picture?" He asks with just an emotion I can't define. There was some sort of glint in his eyes. None the less I hand him my phone with a picture of Zayn, I took a week ago, In the picture Zayn just looks so cute with and nice little smile and his eyes shining. I love my step-brother, I even consider him as my own brother.
"That's very sweet. If only my sister and i were that close." He said with a sad smile before moving on.
"Yes, you did. Your brother is a cute one" I know Mr. Styles' is not to strict on his own sexuality, but very noisy in others. He may be my boss but we've been friends for years just as long as I've been working for him, many years. He just never knew about my brother. Never thought he needed too.
''Now, Liam, this favor I ask of you. Is repayment for your negligence." He trails off, I look at him.
"I need you need to go to California and look into some missing accounts, I have another company there and I need you to check on it. You'll be there for about two to four and a half months and if all goes well there I'll give it to you. That company will be yours to run" He says, I sit there waiting for him to state anymore.
"Now you will be gone for a while so it, it would not be a bother for me to take in your brother, just for your absence"
I think about I care about Zayn and I definitely want him to be safe. I know he'll be safe with Mr. Styles, and if I let Zayn stay with him it'll show that I do trust my boss. Which I do. The obstacle is getting Zayn to agree to it.
"I'll have to talk to my brother about this."
"Sure and if he agrees he can assist me while you're gone. Make some of his own cash."
"I'll talk to him about it tonight."
"You're free to leave now Liam. I've said what i needed too. Enjoy your weekend. You'll be departing to California within a week." Mr. Styles says going back behind his desk turning on his laptop.
"Yes sir." I say standing up and re-adjusting my suit heading to the door.
"And Liam" I turn around. "Have some fun while you're there"
I nod walking out his office and the Styles CO buliding, to my black range rover, getting in letting out a deep sigh. My biggest challenge was yet to come. I start my car and take the short way home my promise to Zayn in my mind.
I pull up to my drive way and park my car. I unlock the from door step inside, lock the door from inside put my stuff away and walk upstairs to check on Zayn, I lightly knock on his door, waiting a few seconds before I open the door and see my step-brother sleeping. I walk across the hall to my room. Opening the window to let fresh air come in. Laying down on my bed and slowly start to nod off to sleep. I'll talk to Zayn later.
Zayn's POV
"Zayn" I wake up to hearing my name being called. I get up from my bed and walk out my room to go across the hall to my bro-Step-brothers room.
"Yes Liam."
"I need to talk to you." By the look on his face I can tell this is going to be serious. I walk into his room more and sit at his desk by the window.
"Alright, tell me."
"Well I'm going away for a business trip and I know you say you're old enough but I prefer you to say with a friend of mine."
"Who's the friend?"
"My boss, Harry Styles."
"You want my to say with your boss while you're gone? Why?"
"Well because I don't know how long I'll be gone, actually I three to four months. You could even earn a little money from this, because while I am gone he'll need an assistant to help him out, like fill my place. He's a nice guy so I know he would take good care of you. Think about it Zayn you get to stay in a nice big house and not our little place, I'll be gone for a while knowing that you're with somebody I trust and safe with will make the time pass by. It'll get boring in this little place alone." I listen to my brothers pleading and think about it myself. I get to make some money and I've seen my brothers pay check, so I know the man- Mr. Syles pays well. He's also a good looking man, I mean nice lean body, sexy smirk, intense green eyes.
"Sure." I say.
"Please Zay- wait what?"
"I said I'll go." I dont think I've ever seen my brother so happy as today.
"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" He says with absolute glee.
"When do you leave?" I ask wanting to know how much time I have left with my brother. "In a week." He replies. I have some time left with him.
"Go down stairs and set up from our movie night, I'm coming in a minute." Liam says, I nod and walk out his room, and go down stairs.
Liam's POV
'He said yes'
After texting Harry, I walk downstairs to spend my time with my step-brother. I hope this goes well.

Beautifully Ruined [Zarry] *Under Editing*
Fanfiction*Completed* If you plan on reading this story I'll tell you now it has useless smut in the first few chapters and just let your dirty little mind enjoy it. It was a pg-13 story until they found the smut. Oh well. This story is about Zayn and how...