Chapter 39: One thing at a time . . .Harry and Hagrid hadn't gotten more than a mile from Little Whining, flying low this time, before the Death Eaters came swooping toward them. As Hagrid concentrated on evasive maneuvers, Harry shot off every spell he decided to use in their defense, except his favorite, 'Expelliarmus', which had given him away before. "Bombardo" was working exceptionally well, though, as Death Eaters started falling from the sky, screaming, brooms ablaze. But Harry spotted Hedwig trailing him, off in the distance and hoped she stayed far enough away to not draw attention to them or herself.
Hagrid had obviously been practicing riding Sirius' old motorcycle, as his skills at turning, diving and literally playing 'chicken' with the Death Eaters trying to catch them, was paying off. Between the two of them, they got away fairly easily, with just a scorch mark or two, but didn't relax until they passed through the wards surrounding the Tonks property and landed safely on the back lawn.
Ted and Andromeda, who were waiting on their brick patio when Harry and Hagrid clambered off of Sirius' bike, waved a greeting. Just then, Hedwig swooped gracefully down to land on Harry's outstretched arm.
"Good girl, Hedwig," Harry praised the snowy owl, digging a treat out of his pocket and giving it to her. "Now go to The Burrow, but be careful."
The owl gave Harry a look, as if to say, "I got this covered, kid!", nibbled on his ear affectionately and took off, flying low but entering a nearby wood for cover.
"Hagrid! Harry! We're so glad to see you two!" Andromeda came forward to give each of them a hug.
"Harry!" Ted Tonks stepped forward. "Glad to finally meet you! Dora speaks about you all the time, well, when she's not talking about Remus Lupin." Ted laughed, as he shook hands with Harry and then Hagrid. "Hagrid, that was some masterful flying, that was!"
"Why, thank 'ya, Ted. We had some close calls, but I think we really confused them Death Eaters!" Hagrid boomed, clapping Ted on the back and nearly knocking him over.
"Indeed," Andromeda agreed. "I wonder how the others did?"
"We'll send word back as soon as we check about everyone when we get to The Burrow," Harry assured her, knowing she was worried about her daughter.
"Do you want a drink or anything before you 'Port Key' to The Burrow?" asked Ted, holding out a tray loaded with several bottles of Butter Beer.
"Yeah, that'd be great; I can be a bit late getting there, for this!" Harry grinned, as he grabbed a bottle, held it up and then chugged it. "AHHH! That was just what I needed. Thanks, Ted."
Hagrid, meanwhile, had downed three bottles and wiped off his mouth with his sleeve. "Right! Now we're ready to go, eh, Harry!"
"Ready" Harry answered, as he watched Andromeda use a tea towel to place a rusty cauldron on the nearby garden wall.
"Here's your 'Port Key', then . . . just touch it and then I'll activate it."
Harry stepped forward, then turned and looked quizzically at Hagrid."You're not coming?" he asked.
"Naw . . . Sirius says I'm to get 'is bike back to Hogwarts, straightaway, and back into storage . . . I'd better make sure it don't 'ave a scratch on it, neither," laughed the huge man, as he settled onto the seat of the motorcycle, ready for the journey north. "I'll rest a bit, then go on my way."

It's not easy to explain, but . . .
FanfictionWhat if the world of Harry Potter WAS real? What if Dan Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint and Tom Felton were asked by the REAL Harry, Hermione, Ron and Draco to go back and tell their younger selves, and the others involved, what was going to ha...