In the center of Tangid are the schools. The school in which I attend is Even Lane high school of literature. There I have my besties Zoey and Conner who I've known since we were fetus's. As much as they reject it I have reason to believe that Connor and Zoey have a fling going on. Conner was the nerdy type but always acted like he wasn't. We're almost done with senior year and he's applied to 10 different collages around world including Harvard. Zoey was like me a tomboy still trying to figure stuff out like everyone else, and that is why we get along so well.
In our school we have the typical popular chicks that think full of themselves. In this particular case the leader was Harper Rodriguez. She was the bitchiest person in school. Not only did she have the whole school worshiping over her but she also had her 2 slaves Avery and Rilley. Rilley was the one that brought her coffee and always sucked up to her. She also set up the schedules for everything that Harper did. Avery was her stylist and her homework doer. She might have everyone fooled but she is actually really smart. In the 8th grade Harper hanged out with Conner, Zoey, and I until she starred in a commercial that made her dad rich. Eventually she began changing and in that process she started to spread false rumors about us like "Connor sleeps with his mother" or that "Zoey has a foot and fingernail fetish" soon everyone was laughing and
whispering around them making jokes. Our school is really small so everyone knows everyone and rumors spread around like a forest fire in a parched place.Tangid is like any other small town in America. Very warm and cozy but really not much to do. Zoey, Connor, and I usually go to each other's houses and hang out or we meet up at this really depressing park called Gison.