Chapter 2

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Faith's P.O.V.
We finally arrived to London and I was so excited. After getting our luggage and heading to the hotel, we start to tour the area since it was 2 in the afternoon. Walking around for an hour then we all decided to take a nap with this time zone change.
[Next day]
It was the first official day of being London and there was so much to do and yes we were all jet lagged and had to get use to the five hour ahead time difference, but we plan on visiting the popular monuments like the Big Ben and the royal palace. Seeing all this in person was amazing and my dad was even more excited since his a big Beatles fan so walking on the Abbey Road. We tried to recreate the popular picture and my dad was Paul, my stepmom was John, the tour guide was George , and I was Ringo. The whole day was so much fun and I was completely exhausted.  We had five more days to see around England before going back home to America.

Faith and the SidemenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz