Chapter 37

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Matt's POV

I smiled driving down to the studio, I couldn't help it, I was happy, Alex made me happy. Just being with her made me happy. The weekend had been fabulous, the drive, the couch. We'd spent a lot of time on that couch and I'd enjoyed every minute of it. The only problem I'd had was late Sunday afternoon when we decided to go for a swim, damn Alex in a bikini was something else. Actually Alex was something else. I hated what had happened to her, I did and I'd meant when I told her I wanted to help, I really did want to help her and I was happy to do whatever she needed.

I arrived at the studio, the only one's who weren't here yet were Brian and Lola and I knew they weren't far behind me anyway.

I walked in the door and was greeted by Sarah, with a sour look on her face. She marched straight over to me.

"Tell me you did not invite her." She snapped at me, pointing at of all people, Siobhan.

"Fuck." I snapped. "No I did not."

"Well who did Matt, because she marched in here like she owned the place."

"Ugh, let me deal with it." I muttered walking over to her. "Siobhan."

She looked at me and smiled. "Hi Matt, I can't wait to see you guy's in action today."

"Um, what are you doing here?"

"Oh." She laughed. "Johnny invited me."

He what? I was going to fucking kill him, I swear.

"What the fuck are you doing here." Lola announced walking in.

Siobhan looked shocked. "Rude." She said. "Johnny invited me."

"Oh." Lola spat. "You're one of them."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Calm down ladies." Johnny said, sauntering over. "What is the problem?"

"Band whore here is the problem." Lola snapped. "She couldn't get it off Matt so she's gonna get it off you, you fucking idiot."

"Alright, enough." I said. "Let's just get this done okay, and who Johnny dates really isn't any of our business."

"I'm sure Alex will be impressed." Lola muttered and I shook my head, walking off to set things up.

She was here to see Johnny not me, and I'd made it perfectly clear to Alex that she was what I was interested in. Damn, Lola was right, Alex probably would freak out, she had no need too, but she would. Fuck, it was only Monday and already my week was turning into a fuck up. Hopefully when Alex arrived I'd feel better. That was a lie. I knew when Alex arrived I would feel better. That's what she did for me, made me feel happy, ugh she just made me feel.

"Ready Matt." Brian called and I headed over, it was my turn to record some lyrics and I was pretty pumped for it.

I got into it, I always did, time got away from me because one minute I was recording and I glanced up and suddenly Alex was standing there. Nobody had noticed her yet, but she was standing there with a confused look on her face. Fuck

Children still play in the garden

Dance as the sun slips away

Not even stars last forever

Cleanse us Acid Rain

"Okay, enough." I said into the mic. I took the headphones off and walked out of the booth, straight over to Alex.

"Hey." I said quietly to her.

She dragged her eye's away from Siobhan to look at me. "Oh hi." She mumbled, and I could see confusion on her face.

"How did it go?" I asked her.

She shrugged and then started blushing. "Fine."

I smiled and pulled her into my arm's. "Only fine?"

She nodded against my chest.

"What did you talk about?" I asked, pulling back so I could look down at her.

"Not much." She mumbled, her eye's darting around.

I kissed her softly. I knew not to push her, she'd tell me when she was ready. "I missed you." I murmured.

"You did?"

"Yes Alex I did." I said smiling. "Now tonight, my mom and dad have invited us over for dinner. Now I never said yes or anything, I thought I'd run it by you first." I knew how anxious she could get around strangers.

"Why would they invite me over?" She asked, looking perplexed and I couldn't help but smile and pull her closer.

"Because." I murmured in her ear. "I told my mom all about you and she wants to meet you."

"Really?" She asked smiling.

"Yes Alex, really. She wants to meet you because I told her how damn special you were."

"Oh you're being silly." She laughed.

I laughed along with her, only I wasn't being silly, I meant every word. "So do you want to go?"

"I guess." She murmured.

"Good, I'll call and let them know." I told her pulling out my phone. I dialled my mom, grabbing Alex's hand and pulling her over to one of the sofa's with me and as I spoke to my mom I pulled her down onto my lap. "They're excited to meet you." I told her, kissing her again, and truth be told, I was excited for them too meet her. I'd already decided that Alex was someone special and I wanted everyone in my life to know.

I looked at her and smiled. I hoped she planned on staying in my life for a long time.

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