Her alarm went off at exactly 5:45am. Groaning she turned over and flicked the dismiss button on her phone.
Riley probably had never gotten ready so fast before, grabbing her bag and purse, she was out the door. Throwing those two things in the truck she did the chores in the barn, making sure everyone got loved on.
Standing at Cowgirl's stall door she rubbed her forehead. "I don't know where I would be without you. It's only because of you that I have made it this far. Enjoy your break."
Hopping in her truck she took off.
~Many hours later~
There was no stopping for her. She made the trip before and knew that she could make it til she was an hour away from the Taylor's ranch.When she had stopped at a gas station, again, she decided to check her phone. Seeing a message from Riker she opened it.
'Hey beautiful. There was a change in schedule. We are heading for Texas now. The same area you're going.'
'What hotel will you be at? I've been driving nonstop.' Riley replied.
"I'll call you."Getting back on the road she glanced at the sky, noticing the dark clouds.
"Great, just fucking great." She grumbled. Riley didn't want to drive in the rain.
~A few more hours later~
'Why does it have to be raining?!' Riley thought angrily.
She hated driving in the rain, especially with a trailer, but at least it was empty. There was at least 45 minutes left to get to where she was going.
All of a sudden her phone went off. Not bothering to check the ID, since she knew who it was by the ringtone, she answered.
"Hey pirate." She said.
"Hey Swann, where are you now?" Riker asked.
"I'm about 45 minutes away from the ranch. I'm pulling over for the night."
"Great!" He replied happily. "There should be a hotel on your right in about 3 minutes. That's where we are. Room 303."
"Ok. I'll see you soon."Hanging up she smiled. Her and Riker had talked, well emailed a lot lately. Her friends could see a change in her and it was all because of him. She made sure that he knew it too.
Slowing down she pulled her rig into the hotel parking lot. Driving around to the back she parked next to the tour bus. Jumping out of the truck she placed the locking device on a trailer tire, then grabbed her bag and purse.
Running towards the back door of the hotel, it swung open for her, thanks to Ratliff. Instead of heading to the elevator she took the stairs, they were closer.
Riley opened the door for the third floor, forced herself to walk and knocked on the door of room 303.
A/N: Yes its a short chapter but the next one will have smut. I figured I would warn you now. If you want to read it fine, if not just skip it and wait til the next one.