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Your pov,
"Look Alex" I whispered waving his bottle in front of him he reached out place his lips in a O shape and kicking

I smiled sleepily picking him up off the couch placing him in his baby rocker

He stared up at me while I placed his blanket on top of him

"You should be sleep baby boy" I yawed sitting beside him

"It's three in the morning luckily I heard you before your mommy did she's busy tomorrow" he just kept drinking his bottle keeping his eyes on me then shut his eyes for a second before reopening them

Alex looks so much like Lauren it seems like he only has Lauren genes but I guess that's a good thing because Lauren wants to keep the baby daddy a secret

I yawed once more rubbing my eyes to get some of the sleep out when I feel Alex's bottle hit my lap I jumped slightly picking the milk up he laughed biting his fingers

"You love seeing me afraid or in pain" he just smiled babbling words out

"Yeah, how about we go to bed huh?" I just got a burp from him and he giggled lightly I chuckled standing to picking him up

He laid his head on my shoulder while I walked up to his room

When I got to the room he had fallen asleep in my arms I laid him down carefully but he frown in his sleep wimping I placed my finger on his hand and he stopped squeeze my finger 

I sat there for a good 5 minutes I was pulling away but he tighten his grip

"Alexander I'm tired can I go to bed please" he just kept his tight little grip on me

"Okay fine I'll sleep here" I got comfortable enough and leaned my head on his baby crib

Lauren's pov,
I woke to the sound of Alexander babbling words and groaning i sat up rubbing my eyes picking up his baby monitor

I walked out my room to his, to my surprise I see Y/n sleeping on the floor with her arm on Alexander crib and Alexander playing with her fingers

I smiled what the hell is she doing sleeping her?

I walk over to her and sit beside her, I smoothed some of her hair out her face and caressed her cheek gently

Y/n really is a beauty, I've noticed how beautiful she is but right now really having a close look of her she's breath taking

She's so adorable sleeping, I smoothed my thumb over her eyebrow seeing her blink in her sleep I removed my hand looking away from her to my baby still kicking pulling on her hand

I should wake her it is still pretty early she can maybe have a few hours sleeping in her bed

"Y/n" I whispered removing her arm from the crib shaking her lightly

Alex groan rolling over to sit up "Y/n" I whispered once again

Alex yelled happily causing Y/n to sit up quickly bumping heads with me

"Ugh fu-ahh" i held my head looking over to her she held her head looking back up to me


"Good morning" I mumbled rubbing my head

"I'm so sorry I just got scared Alex yelled and I thought something happen"

We both look over to the happily baby boy hopping in place with a smile

"He's fine he usually yells when he's happy" I smiled standing up along with Y/n

In the corner of my eye I noticed Y/n holding the front of her shorts

I picked up Alex and turned to her she just gave me a smile still holding on her shorts and she looked a little uncomfortable

I was going to speak up but she beat me to it

"I'm gonna um..use the restroom" I nodded and she said hi to Alex before leaving the room

That was kinda weird

"Hey baby since when are you up" I asked Alex he just hummed with his lips shut pulling on my shirt

"You need a diaper change little nugget" I whispered ticking his belly making him laugh pushing my hand away

I smiled walking over to get a diaper out his bag, after I got his diaper I walked back over to his crib and laid him down

The bedroom door open and came back in Y/n, she wasn't holding onto her shorts anymore and she looked a little more comfortable

"I hope you didn't mind me sleeping in here, Alex woke up in the middle of night for a bottle and I got him before he woke you up and he won't let me go back to my room unless I stayed here" she laughed lightly i nodded placing the clean diaper on him

"No I don't, but you could've just woke me so could've slept more comfortable" I finished up and put Alexander pants back on and he sat up placing his arms out to Y/n

I moved aside so she can pick him up, Y/n looked at me and I nodded she smiled and picked up Alex

"All cleaned up little man" he smiled clapping slightly

We both giggled smiling at the beautiful emerald eyed baby

I'm amazed at how close Alexander is to Y/n in only one day of meeting her

It took him 3 weeks to get comfortable enough with the girls because he didn't get to see them since he was 2 months but with Y/n it's his first time meeting her and he's so close to her

Alexander laughed holding onto Y/n's face to stop her from ticking him I bit my bottom lip trying my best to hide my smile

I know I'm really not that into girls yes I may stare at them and think their extremely hot but I don't see myself with a girl but that was before the beautiful Y/n came in

When I meet her before I hired her as my babysitter I was stunned at how gorgeous she was, then getting to speak to her I couldn't get Y/n off my mind for a whole month and I kept telling myself it's nothing

But now I don't now if I do feel something for her,

When the girls were flirting with Y/n I felt that weird feeling in stomach and I just had to stop the flirting right away and when she's staring at the girls it gets me angry

I think it's just a stupid girl crush I'll get over it I'm sure

"It's still pretty early Y/n I think you should sleep for a little while longer" she looked over to me questionably

"Are you sure I can watch Alexander if you're still sleepy" I shook my head with a smile she's so sweet

"No I'm okay I can, you need the sleep more then I do, we have a show and you'll be with him" i rubbed Alexander back he smiled leaning back on me i picked him up from Y/n into my arms

I felt my cheeks heat up seeing how close we were standing but I didn't want to move away I hope she doesn't notice

"Right okay, call me if you need me" I nodded she held Alexander's hand "I'll see you later little man" she whispered I froze for a moment feeling her hand on my hip to pull us closer to her to kiss Alexander's cheek 

Alex babbled leaning back on my shoulder "bye" she whispered to me smoothing her hand away from my hip

I actually miss her hold on me now

"Bye" she smiled before walking out the bedroom

I looked over to Alex he smiled at me leaning his head on me

"I love you" I whispered over to him kissing his cheek

A/n: finally we know how Lauren feels a little about about you

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