While I was out I had a dream or a nightmare. It was like the dream I had when I passed out the last time. But this time Gwen was there. I was in a dark room and one light came on. Under that light Gwen was standing there. I ran towards her and gave her a hug. I was crying I haven't seen her in 2 years. She looked at me scared.
"Run" was all she told me. Someone grabbed her and took her away. I did a she told me and ran. I felt like I was running for ages. Then someone grabbed me, it was Jacob. He put me in a room. The lights turned on and Gwen was sitting in front of me crying. I was cuffed on a chair. Jacob came in the room with a needle and thread.
"This is pay back for what you did to me. You're supposed to be with me not that guy!" he said. He put the needle close to Gwen's lips and started sewing then shut.
"GWEN!" I yelled waking up in hospital room. Johnson was in the room holding my hand. My parents came in happy that I was okay. I started crying.
"I saw her again" I cried.
"Saw who?" asked Nate.
"Gwen she was in my dream. Jacob was there and he was sewing her mouth shut. She was screaming." that when I stopped because I couldn't breathe. I was having a panic attack, the nurse came in and gave me a shot that calm me down and makes me sleep.
I woke up the next morning in my room. Nate was next to me. We both got ready for school I was super freaked out about last night. We got to school and we met up with the guys they all hugged me making sure I was okay. When Johnson hugged me he didn't want to let me go. He was so scared about what happened. He doesn't know who Gwen was, but he knows who Jacob is.

They're never gone.
RandomA girl named Elizabeth got cursed at a young age by a witch. Now she's trying to get rid of the people in her head. While she trys to live a normal teenage life.