Perfect Sacrifice

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Prompt: You trade places with Dean at a crossroads deal.

Pairing: Dean x Reader

Warnings: none

Words: 1523

A/N: In this one shot, you are a religious character. You believe in G-d, you pray to G-d, and you respect G-d. If you are non-religious, or do not believe in G-d, I suggest you not to read this. :)

Sam was dead.

Sam is dead.

Sam Winchester isn't breathing.

Sam won't open his eyes.

Whatever you thought, the possibilities of him waking up, they were all gone. No hope left in you, even as you clutched your cross necklace, even as you kneeled on the ground, even as you spoke in hushed whispers, begging for the Man up above to help. All hope inside you were absolutely gone, and there was no replacing it. The Man upstairs you have come to trust in all situations has now gone mute, and there was nothing you could do about it.

And watching Dean sit there and stare at his dead brother... It broke your heart, it truly did.


"Not now, Y/N." You watched as he abruptly stood up and walked past you, through the doorway of the old house and out into the night. You knew what he was going to do, you knew he needed a breather for a moment. You had decided to give him time to cope with his brother, his life that was no more.

But it was long after he was gone that you had decided to follow him, clutching your necklace that had helped you through every single thing as you walked along the road, finding the nearest crossroads and Dean.

The woman there with him... It didn't catch you off guard, you really had expected Dean to go through with this, but you couldn't let him. If this is how Dean acts when Sam's dead, you can't imagine how Sam's going to act if he loses Dean.

"Dean." Your voice broke the silence and it caused the demon to pull away from Dean's waiting lips, though Dean was all up for ignoring you and getting this over with. You could see that the demon had something to say with that smirk she's pulling off.

"Well, isn't this a surprise." The demon chuckled. "The most righteous hunter in the world. Y/N, still praying to the aboves? Or are you done with it?"

You had been ridiculed by many demons about your religion, how you put way too much faith in a man that probably doesn't exist, seeing as everything you've seen, and how you'd pray before fighting, something you'd always do, and you'd always make it out alive.

She eyed the cross necklace in your hand and rolled her eyes. "I'd take that as a no, then." Her smile grew. "C'mon, Y/N, come closer. I'm not going to bite."

"Leave her alone," Dean snapped, furrowing his eyebrows as he turned to you. "Get outta here, Y/N. This doesn't involve you."

"I'm not going to let you ruin Sam."

"I'm not ruining Sam, I'm helping him."

You scoffed and stepped forward, moving closer to the duo that stood in the middle of the crossroads. "You're not helping him by killing yourself."

"She has a point there," the demon spoke up, but you both ignored her.

"Just get out of here and let me deal with this. Besides, it's none of your business." He turned back to the demon. You knew he was going to ignore whatever you were going to say next, so you didn't even bother opening your mouth. "So, a year."

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