In all of my days, I have never thought that it would be hard to breathe. To freaking breathe. But that day it was.
It was my first day in a whole other state, and I was without my parents and everything. All I had were the clothes on my back, the phone in my hand, the clothes in my three really, really heavy suitcases, and my... cousin. And my cousin's huge house, but that didn't make a difference. It wasn't home.
It took a long time for me to get the courage to knock on the door, plus it took a long time to try and get the luggage out of my hands so that I could. Once my aunt opened it, I was glad because the freezing cold weather didn't want me there, either. So, managing a small smile at my aunt Matille (Mut-ill), I walked quietly with my luggage to the center of the living room and stood, looking confused, in my letterman, gray sprinkled beanie, dark skinny jeans, and Ugg boots with an expectant look on my face. I was ready to go back to sleep after I trudged up to my room, but I knew it wasn't that simple. Matille smiled a huge smile— it was fake, mind you— at me with her glossy pink lips that were probably fake, too. She was completely perfect and it urked me.
My cousin, the one that was my age, shuffled down the stairs quickly as if she had been waiting in agony for hours for me to arrive. I may be exaggerating. "Oh, Marion," Matille said squeakily. "Your beloved cousin Blaire is here! Isn't this nice?"
"Of course! Blaire, I've been waiting for you!" for hours in agony. "It's about time you got here. What took so long?" she asked cheerfully. This girl!
"I don't know. Late plane?" I shrugged. "Doesn't matter, something held me up and I lost track of time. It's not that late, is it?"
Matille's gaze softened as if she pitied me. "Dear," she said. "It's 10:00."
At night. Did she really just—
"That's not late," I heard Marion say, laughing it off. "Not for us, anyhow. Gosh, Ma, you need to get out more!" She chuckled.
"I get out plenty, thank you, Marion," Matille said, drawing her neck back as if offended.
"Apparently not past ten," I whispered since I was now side-by-side with Marion, and she did a really honky laugh, making me laugh even more. Her laugh was that of a donkey.
"I'm sorry, Ma, I'm just having some fun!" Marion stopped to laugh some more before continuing. "Besides, I'm usually all alone. Now I have a sister for the next year. This is awesome!"
Matille scoffed and turned to walk into the kitchen— or what looked like a kitchen— and said, "I suppose you're hungry, Blaire," she suggested, adding sourly, "though it's out of one's mind to cook past this hour."
She was the one cooking, not me.
"I'm not very hungry, really. A Poptart will keep me going till the morning."
Marion looked at me in a way that I had never been looked at before; well, perhaps except for the time I was a huge hot dog for halloween. But that didn't last very long, and Marion kept her twisted-mouth look at me for several seconds. "We don't eat Poptarts here."
"Hold up." What kind of family doesn't eat Poptarts? I asked myself. A crazy one. I have to live here for the next year, maybe even more, and they don't even eat Poptarts. They had made a really bad impression so far. "How do you not eat Poptarts? That's crazy. Poptarts are—"
"Unhealthy. And that's the end of it," snapped Matille, and I could almost smell her breath from where I was standing. Ew.
Marion mouthed "sorry" to me before saying, "Hey, Blaire-bear, I should go show you your room. I already decorated it for you because I asked your dad what your favorite color was. He said it was pink."
He was wrong.
I laughed nervously and nodded my head. Okay. I absolutely couldn't wait to see my room. Ha.
I walked up the stairs slowly, dragging my feet, and when we got up the hall Marion said, "It's right beside mine. And you have your own bathroom. We have a little meeting area between our rooms, though, so, like, we can have talks in there and stuff. Cause I wanna get to know you."
"Yeah." For the first time since I had gotten there, I fixed my glasses and quit slumping. I went ahead and went into the bright pink room, obviously assuming that it was mine, and changed into a baggy tee shirt and sweatpants. I looked around the room. It had a pretty white chandelier hanging on the roof in the middle, and the bed had white sheets (bad idea, really) with pink polka dots on it and a small little covering above my bed. It had a pink paisley dresser with a TV and a lamp sitting on it, and a laundry bag sitting beside my bed. It was really nice, a lot nicer than my old room. There were several wrapped boxes next to my closet, and I smiled warmly. Though I was in a sour mood at the moment, I knew it would soon be fun to live with Marion and her mother.
"Hey, Blaire," Marion came into my room slowly, whispering as if she thought that I was half-asleep. I was on my phone in the fluffy (pink) chair by the bed near the wall, surfing through my old best friend Ebony's Instagram account and looking at all of our old photos. I was gonna miss her like crap.
I looked up solemnly, my eyes probably tired and raccoon-like even though I didn't even wear makeup that day. "Hm," I rolled.
"I was wondering if you wanted to talk about your past. Like, to get used to you being here. So we can share our pasts and I can tell you about the school."
"I'm tired right now."
"Oh. Ok." She was turning to leave, walking slowly, her slippers never quite leaving the floor when she walked. She turned around before she disappeared out the door. "Good night, Blaire."
I felt as if I had hurt her feelings, and I knew we hadn't hit it off; I might as well speak to her. The next day wasn't a school day— it was a Sunday. We could sleep late if we wanted (at least, if Matille allowed it), so I didn't have much to lose.
"Wait," I whisper-yelled. "Okay."-------------------------------------------------------
Hey, guys! It's me. Obviously. I know this didn't end up being too good but I promise it will get better. It's sort of a mainstream plot, but the more exciting stories are coming after I get more followers! Please vote on it or comment what you think so that I can know how you like it. Please know, I am only 13, so if you're not very impressed it's the best I can do! Lol! Thanks, loves!

RomanceWhen Blaire Bridgers started her junior year in high school in another state, she imagined it would be boring, nothing like the books or movies. She was an average girl, tall and lanky with semi-short hair and glasses, without a mom and without any...