Dipper Pines sat outside of the Mystery Shack. He wore a blue hoodie, some boots, and jeans. Once he saw a blue flash come from the woods he began walking to it. Little did he know that both of his Great Uncles and his sister followed behind him. The younger Pines twin hummed a tune that none of his family following him could recognize. Suddenly Dipper entered a clearing. In the middle was a man with golden yellow hair that in the back was died black. He was adorned with a white dress shirt and black pants and a yellow vest, his head was also decorated with a floating top hat. Upon closer inspection he had- yellow eyes? Ford rubbed his eyes but clearly saw the glowing eyes. He pointed to him from behind the bush where him and his family hid. Mabel stifled a gasp and Stan growled.
"Took you long enough" said Dipper to the man standing in front of him. Bill chuckled "Shut it Pine Tree, c'mon I prepared something special for us!" It was at this point that Mabel became confused. She knew her brother had been sneaking off but who was this guy? And why did he call her brother Pine Tree... Oh no... oh no no no! "Guys! I-its Bill!" Said the older Pines twin worriedly. It was at this point that they all popped out from behind the bush.
Before his family popped out Dipper had wrapped his arms around Bill's neck and Bill around Dipper's torso. Suddenly their lips met with something akin to a long repressed desire. They suddenly pulled apart when they heard a collective gasp from behind them. They turned around to see Dipper's family standing there.
Ford pointed his gun straight at the demon. For once the demonic triangle, though now in human form, looked scared. "W-woah now Sixer, lets talk about this for a minute!" "No lets not... You've done something to my nephew and I demand to know what and for you to let him free of your grasp!" Growled Ford to Bill. "Ford! Put the gun down! Bill hasn't done anything to me! Please just hear us out" Ford wasn't having this. He prepared to fire at Bill. "Dipper... Run!" "W-what? Bill come with me please! I can't loose you!" "Dipper Pines you are the love of my life and I couldn't bear to loose you. Now for once in your life I need you to trust me on this and run! Run as far as you can and don't look back! I'll come for you when I can and if I don't- well... you'll find a way to get me back pine tree." Dipper let out a single sob as Bill kissed him on the head which he returned with a kiss to the lips. The Pines twin then turn and ran. Mabel yelled after he brother and attempted to run after him but was held back by Stan. Suddenly without warning, Ford shot at Bill. They watched as the man in front of them fell to the ground laughing quietly. "I-I'll be back Dipper... don't you worry... You'll find a way" mumbling his last words silently he said "I love you Pine Tree..."
A/N: If you'd like to hear a part 2 just comment below and I'll get to it when I can also yes I know this might not be the greatest but this is more writing practice than anything for me. Besides its 5Am and I haven't slept. What do you expect from me?

30 Day Song-Fanfic Challenge (Billdip)
RomanceList: -Hanging Tree -LA Devotee -Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Burn Rotten to the Core Migraine Devil's Train Brave As a Noun Lifeboat Shine A Light Big Fun Tear In My Heart Everything's Alright Car Radio You're Gonna Go Far Kid Let the Rainbow Remind...