Darkvizardking: What's up people? Glad to see this fic got such a good reaction. 20 reviews in one chap, DAMN, I like it, and hope it keeps up. Anyway, I have a few surprises in store, as I bet people are wondering how Naruto's weapons are going to get stronger. Well my dear readers, your about to find out, so, LET THE SLAUGHTER, I mean chap, BEGIN.
Naruto: rebirth of a god.
Chapter 2: council meetings, and a sexy new sensei.
Naruto arrived at his home, his ancestor's scroll on his back, the Blades of Chaos sticking to his shoulders. After opening the door and walking inside, he placed the scroll down, and decided to read it, as he would need to understand how it worked. After opening it by using another blood seal, he saw a giant seal. It composed of four rings, set up in a ripple pattern, the ring in the center held one seal, while the others held four or five each. Underneath the large seal was a passage, it read:
Like the Rings of Pandora, a puzzle I had to complete, my weapons are sealed in a similar manner. The weapons I gained on my mission to kill Ares, lie in the outermost circle. The weapons I gained when I sought revenge on my 'father' Zeus, lie inside the next circle. I sealed away the weapons I gained when I led the war against Olympus within in the second innermost circle. But within the innermost circle, I sealed away the greatest weapon of all. The Blade of Olympus itself. To reach the blade, you, my descendent, must prove yourself. You are able to access the first circle, but until you master each weapon within a circle, you cannot use the weapons within the next circle. The weapons are unique in themselves, as no matter how much you train with them, they will not grow stronger. What is needed to strengthen them, is blood. They will absorb the blood that is shed when you kill an enemy. When the weapon begins to glow red, it is mastered. Do not waver in your resolve, as you are a spartan, we do not give up.
Naruto looked at the passage, as well as the scroll itself, in amazement. Taking the blades off his back, he saw that the blood that had coated them when he killed Mizuki, was gone. He saw that the edges of the blades were a little sharper, the skull that served as the hand-guard, had it's teeth grown a little. 'So I have to kill people, and let my weapons absorb the blood? I know that as a ninja I will have to kill, but, how would I explain this to my teammates? Well, there's no turning back now, I'll just deal with it as it comes.' He walked to his bedroom, and then thought, 'How am I going to sleep if I have to wear the blades constantly?' As soon as he thought that, the blades came off his shoulders, and the chains seemingly vanished. He then noticed that there were chain-like tattoos on his arms, and the blades had what looked like a place to attach the chains. 'So Kratos made some adjustments to the blades huh? From the way he looked, he must have had them on all the time.'
With the matter resolved, he went to sleep, doing so the moment his head hit the pillow.
(Naruto's mind-scape)
Naruto soon opened his eyes, but when he did, he wasn't in his apartment. He found himself in a sort of sewer, with a maze of passageways, and dim lighting. He said out loud, "My mind is a damn sewer? This sucks." Seeing a passageway glowing brighter then the others, he figured, 'Must be the Kyuubi, who else could it be?' Walking down the hallway, he saw an entrance that was full white, the light blocking everything else in the room from being seen. As he stepped through, he was blinded, but when he entered the room itself, and his eyes were normal again, he saw a room that could fit the Hokage monument, with room to spare. It was easily the size of the monument height wise, but the only thing in the room was a large gate. The gate itself was fairly plain, with an ornate design surrounding the frame, steel bars that look like even Naruto couldn't get through. It was topped off with a paper seal stuck in the middle of the bars, acting as the lock for the cage. Naruto thought to himself, 'So this is the lair of the beast, wonder what it wants?'

Naruto, Rebirth Of A God
RandomThis fan fiction is diverged from another writer who is better than me in the arts of fan fiction so this is his book named darkvizardking69