I looked in the mirror with Jamie making sure my make up was okay. I could hear the music from the school's gym from inside the girls wash room. As many times as I have been on a date with Darren, I was really nervous right now. Darren has seen me naked. He seen me doing vary embarrassing things. But I felt so nervous. My mom talked me into flat ironing my hair down down. My dress was really pretty dress. A nice strapless that stopped at my kness and nice black high heels to make the dress stand out. The only thing missing was my date. Jasper picked me and Jamie up from my house and drop us off at prom. Darren hadn't showed up yet.
Me and Jamie left the bathroom and walked down the hall with Jamie. She got struck taking Jasper to prom which was nice, they were close friends.
"Are you going to tell him about the room?" Jamie said to me.
"No, it's a suprise." One the way here Jasper stopped and check in a two bed room hotal. I didn't really want to tell Darren about the room, incase something doesn't happen. All I want is this one normal night alone with the him. And after all this time I would get it. I looked up and saw Darren looking at me. My cheeks felt warm. Jamie quickly left us to be alone. Darren walked up to me.
"You look so pretty Raven." Darren kissed me quickly.
"I was just about to say the same thing to you." Darren held out his arm and I held on to it as we walked into the gym. I could never get use to how people looked at us. The sexy emo looking guy with normal ordinary girl. But this night wasn't about them to me. It was about me and Darren. No worrying about Luke coming after to me. Luke hasn't tired anything since the foot ball game. Maybe he was planing something or maybe he gave. Which ever one I was greatful that he wasn't looming in the shadows tonight.
Every song was perfect that the D.J. played. Every timed I wanted to dance Darren was willing to dance with me. Jamie and Jasper seemed to be having a good time together as well as us. You would think my feet would hurt from all that dancing we did. I could see Darren was glad for the slow song to play. They played about five of them. The one thing about high school prom that I wasn't looking forward to was prom king and queen. Darren got stolen away from doing to prom king and queen dance. He made prom queen. I could see the prom queen wanted to melt in her shoes just from Darren touhing her. Me and Jasper dance togather for that one song. Something we hadn't done since we were kids. Once the song was over Darren took his crown and put it on the table near where we dancing.
"Why did you take it off?" I asked after I taken the picture of him.
"What's the point of being prom king? That's one of the few things I don't get about you humens and your traditions. I see no point in that title. What's the point when my queen wasn't even picked." Darren kissed my cheek. and pulled me close him.
"I'll be right back okay? I won't be long I promise." Darren stepped out the door that lead outside. I stayed with Jamie and Jasper. Before I knew it time had slowly slept by me. Darren had not came back. Prom was over and it was time for us to head to the hotal where was he. I sent short text massage to him asking where he was. He told me to go ahead and leave with Jasper and Jamie and he would meet up with us. I told him where the hotal was and he said he would be there.
We soon left the prom and went to the hotal. We all sat around waiting on Darren but it grew late. Jasper and Jamie parted away from me and went to their room. I waited alone till after one a.m. and went to our room and waited for him. He never came. I sent about five text massages and he never answered his phone. I texted Darrick who was at the dance with us but all he said was "he will be okay, go ahead and go to sleep." I fell asleep in the sexy outfit that I had gotten just for this night. Some where in the middle I woke up to a knocking sound. I though it was Darren. But it just Jamie moaning like ghost and the bed hitting up against the wall.
"CAN YOU TO KNOCK IT OFF IN THERE?!" It had got silent for a second.
"Sorry." Jasper called out. Atleast someone was having fun tonight.
Jasper pulled out up to my house and I got out. It didn't take much for me to know he and Jamie had sex together. That was way the car was so akwardly silent on the way from the hotal. I grabbed my bag out the car and went in the house. I slammed the door shut. Both my parents looked at me. I told them I didn't want to speak about it. I was up in my room cleaning up when I saw his car pull up in the drive way. I heard the door bell ring and went down stairs. My dad was about to open the door when I beat him to it.
"Who is it." I could fell myself almost yelling.
"Raven open the door it's me." I opened the door fast. Darren tried to come in but I pushed him back and shut the door as I came out.
"Where have you been?" Darren was wearing the same thing he had on last night at prom.
"I...I was out finding Luke. I was in the parking lot and we starting fighting and went after him and..."
"All I was one night where he wasn't involved. One damn night is all I asked for. You act like you can't give me that. Everything was fine till you left. I waited for you. You ruin the one night of my high school. All because you wanted to go after Luke. I was worried where you were and you ditched me to run after him." I couldn't belive he did this to me.
"I am sorry, but there always be another time for us." Another time for us to have sex.
"There will never ever be another chance like that!" I shout at him. "There isn't another senior prom. You just fucked up any chance of having sex with me. EVER!" My heart was beating fast. Darren touched my shoulder.
"Raven clam down and breath." He said to me. I pushed him away again.
"I am really sorry Raven. Sweet heart I really am."
"I don't want to hear it right now Darren." Darren looked at me.
"But I really am sorry, I didn't relize just how much this meant to you. And I am sorry I left you all alone. I know I fucked up babe, but please belive me when I say I am sorry. I don't know how but I will make this up to you." I looked at him.
"You left me in hotal alone. And I heard Jasper and Jamie doing it with each other." We both brust out laughing.
"Can you find in your heart to forgive me babe?" Darren said coming closer.
"I'll try"

A vampire's kiss (Book 1)
RomanceRaven and Darren have been together for 2 years. She know everything about him. He tells her everything. Well...she thought you she did. Her world changes one night when she finally meet his family after all that long time. She soon finds out Darre...