Ash's P.O.V
I couldn't sleep much that night. Waking up repeatedly in cold sweat; catching a few worried glances from Kyrian and Louis who were both still awake.
I knew I had dreamt because when I awoke, I vaguely remembered fear lingering beneath my eyelids. But I always forgot the dreams ,or better yet nightmares, that forced me to wake. Luckily, Evan was still and breathing calmly.
The sun was beginning to peek at the windows, bringing new light to the dark room. No one was awake yet, but the two boys.
Deciding that I wanted to be a good sport to the possibly headaching group, I got up in search to make breakfast.
I found some eggs and bread in one of the coolers brought by the other group. There was a kitchen and I hoped to the heavens, the oven worked.
It seemed as though luck was on my side as the oven turned on. I cooked the eggs and toasted the bread as I hummed to a small song that I had made up and just felt as if I were back at the Dome.
The aroma of the hot food seemed to lure Drew and Louis. "Goodmorning," I said to the pair as I stirred the eggs.
"Morning'" Drew said groggily,"Mind if we help. I brought some beans with sausage."
I let them cook and we had fun, making a small mess. It seemed as though only with Drew, would Louis get loud or a hint of good emotion.
We woke the rest of the group up to eat. They ate in silence, still tired from last night.
Evan sat next to me rubbing his head and groaning. I scolded him and he seemed quite sorry. I knew it would only last a while before he was up and running again. Maybe then we'd be able to go back to the Dome after we did some exploring. Maybe we could take some souvenirs back to reconcile mother and father. I knew they'd be angry.
I needed to talk to someone before we left though. In private. Hopefully they'd come.
Ann's POV
I knew her. I don't quite remember where but I do.
"Annie, come on. We'll be late for my birthday party."
"No you won't. I just want to touch it really fast. Please."
We had climbed up the hill, to where the old well stood, where we had seen a UFO thing fall from the sky.
I wanted to touch it, but I was scared so I dragged her along.
"Annie," She said in a small voice," can you promise me something?"
"Yeah, Ash, anything."
"Promise me that if the aliens eat my brain, you'll take care of Polly and mommy and daddy and keep my stuff."
She laughed. ""Course. And if they eat my brain, I hid the money in the shoebox under the stairs."
*End of Flashback*
It was her, my childhood best friend. When my dad got turned into one of those things, my mother grabbed me and ran into a nearby building. This became our new camp, and later became our resistance. My mother became our leader and she and my brother help and welcome those who need it. We currently have 600 residents. But Ash never came. I knew I had probably lost her forever, but here she was in the flesh with a boy I'd met through a toy car experiment and a girl who I've guessed was a friend. I'm guessing she remembered who I am too, or she wouldn't have come.
"I never did go back for the money."
I turned back. She stood in the doorway, arms crossed, a silly smile in her face.
I smiled, "well Polly decided to stay."
We stood there, staring. Finally, she moved and I did too in synch.
I don't know how long we hugged and talked and cried. But apparently we were not alone.
"BOO!" Drew came out from behind a box.
We didn't even flinch.
"Aw, you guys are no fun!"
We laughed at his reaction. Drew came behind me and lifting me up, sitting me on his lap.
"So, you guys know each other?"
Ash spoke first, "Yeah. She was there on my last birthday party."
"Oh, childhood friends. I see."
I wanted to give my friend a chance to speak to my boyfriend so I excused myself, leaving my friend to speak.
I passed Ky and Louis playing a card game closely to our door. I smiled as I passed by, they too were curious.
I met Evan with a hand over his head, groaning.
"Headache?"I said, with a smirk.
"Nope, lover boy."
"Oh, Ann, its you. How's it going? Where's Ash?"
"I'm good. Ash is talking to Drew. Where did everyone go?"
"Out scouting, except for Carter and Amy. They seem to have hit it off."
"It was about time, I was beginning to worry for Carter, ever since last year he's been moping around." Carter had lost his wife and newborn in a scouting mission to deliver the baby, he hasn't been the same since.
"Man, that must've been tough. I can't imagine if that were Ash. I'd probably turn myself into one of those things."
"Thank you Evan, for bringing her back. How did you meet?"
"No problem. I met her clumsy self when she accidentally bumped into me not even a week ago. God, she was so beautiful. I felt as though I had seen the sun for the first time, and when I met her, she was just great. Her personality fit the appearance that I so selfishly wanted."
"Wow, you have it bad."
A loud laugh broke the seriousness of Evan's speech. It was Carter and Amy, in the next room.
I decided to leave Evan to himself and relieve my poor friend from my goofy boy.
I was about to walk in when Ky speaks.
"So, when are you going to tell her?"
I knew what he was asking.
"Tell her what?"
"Tell her that those things are out there controlling people like sheep, that her only chance at surviving is if she goes back to her perfect little life. We all know what we're throwing at but her, even the other one knows now."
"She knows and the only one holding us back is the girl."
"She can't go back now, strict rules of the Dome." I say.
Kyrian was making it exceptionally hard to keep my friend happy.
"You know we can't stay here forever. We need things. We could get caught!"