present day
The next morning carried on quite the same as the day before, I woke up as usual, I walked to the Death Room, Lord Death assigned me a class, which was different this time because it was my own class. I would be teaching a meister's only class in the field behind the school so we would have room to practice. I would teach new techniques of fighting and sharpen each meister's individual skill with a weapon, be it a normal weapon or a magic one.
"Alright class." I said as I walked to the back field to surprisingly find a class of meisters already waiting for instruction. "I'm your new teacher, Kyouki Fukai, but you all can call me Kyouki. I'm not into formality." I laughed nervously and called myself an idiot in my head. You idiot! If you already told them to call you Kyouki, you obviously aren't formal! Baka!
"Anyways, I'm going to start a series of tests to evaluate your skills so I know what to teach and what has already been covered. The first test will be speed. I want to see how fast you are as an average to see what conditioning has already been done." I walked down twenty feet and threw down on the ground some spot mats I borrowed from the gym. "I want you each to sprint here, individually. Line up in a straight line where I was standing." I said as all the students lined up in a line.
"First person," I nodded to Maka, who happened to be first. "Ready, set, go!" I shouted then started my timer.
I proceeded to go through each and every one of the students, and then started various other tests of ability and skill. It was disappointing, really, that only Maka, Black Star, Kid, and Ox seemed to meet my standards. Or come close.
"Well, it seems I have a lot of work to do." I shrugged as I looked at the results I took on my clipboard. "I have to admit, the vast majority of this class is quite disappointing. You all have a lot to learn and a lot of practice to do. But for now I have to dismiss you for lunch since it is sadly that time already." I said in a disappointed tone as the students grimly headed inside the building for lunch and their afternoon classes.
While the students were heading to lunch, I walked back to Lord Death's Death Room.
"How did I do?" I asked when I walked in.
"Kyouki." was all the shinigami said.
"Yes?" I asked slightly concerned. His tone was a cross between sad and angry, and I wondered what I had done now.
"I just received news about Asura." His tone remained the same.
"Really?" I said, overjoyed. "What happened?"
"I just received news that he had killed another family."
"Oh. So nothing too interesting, besides the fact he has gone out of hiding." I said solemnly.
"But I also received some alarming news of Lord Fukai's death centuries ago."
"This isn't news. I knew he died. He chose not to use Soul Search." I said, questioning this news.
"Kyouki, have you ever suffered from memory loss at all?" lord Death asked. "I know you don't lie."
"No, not that I can recall. I don't remember much of my childhood other than my mother died and Lord Fukai trained me to be a mercenary." I scratched my head. "But that's normal when you are as old as me."
"I don't recall you ever remembering your childhood clearly, even when you were younger." He pointed out.
"I suppose that's true..." I shrugged. "I'm not sure I understand the problem here." I was very confused.
"I have reports that Mrs. Fukai died when she gave birth to her second child, which was obviously you."
"That must be false. I'm an only child!" I was starting to get very concerned. What is going on? I thought.

The Dance of Madness-A Soul Eater Fanfiction
Fanfiction20 year old Kyouki is a now weaponless meister trained in the art of the mercenary with an incredible power that kept her alive for over 800 years. She used to fight madness side-by-side with Lord Death himself and her boyfriend, Asura, Death's righ...