Chapter 11

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My instagram: @animal._.addiction 

Poppy's POV

My girl (it feels so amazing to say that!) Stands up and walks out of the room, I decide to follow. That's what house dogs are supposed to do right? When we reach the end of the hallway I once again crumple into a ball. I smell another dog. I can sense it means no harm but still what if it doesn't like me? I have to be brave for my girl. I see the dog and crouch low. The dogs in a large cage. He looks like me but he has longer fur and a blue eye.

"HEY!  I'm Bill. It's nice to meet you, what's your name?" He wags his tail and sits up. I think we'll get along just fine, he's very polite and may I add rather handsome. Great, now I'm nervous! Does my fur look okay? What if he doesn't like my voice? What if I say something stupid?

" um ummm. Hey, umm my names poppy." I make small circles on the floor with my paw. I sound like such an idiot!

"Hey poppy! That's a cute name! How old are you?" Well surly I can answer that without stuttering!

"I'm umm well I think I'm three or maybe I'm two. Possibly four? I don't really now. Under 4." Now I look stupid! I don't even know how old I am! To be honest I stopped counting the years after my second birthday. I'm definitely over 2 but under 4.

"I'm 4. My owners in there." He points his paw to what I think humans call a itchin. What strange creatures humans are! "I'm guessing your owner is Aria. Your so lucky! She's really good at ear rubs!" He smiles and stands up. "Here come the humans, I hope they let me out so I can meet you properly!"

He wags his tail and his owner walks over to the cage.

"Hey buddy. You want to meet poppy? Hey Aria can I let Bill meet poppy?" My girl walks in and looks me in the eyes, I wag my tail yes.

"Okay Min let him out." The girl called Min let's Bill out. He walks over and goes straight to sniffing.  Even though it makes me uncomfortable I let him, it's what normal dogs do at the park. I'm antisocial so I don't normally let other dogs come over to talk to me, however I can make acceptions when the dog in question is super cute.

"So do you want to play? I have loads of toys! My personal favourite is my squeaky duck." He runs off before I can answer. When he returns he has a squeaky duck in his mouth. He does a play bow and I decide to accept, like I said, he is cute! We play until my girl takes me to her room to get some rest. I'm slightly disappointed because I was enjoying spending time with Bill, however I am tired. I go to sleep happier than I have ever been and from what I can tell so does my girl.

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