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The party was in full swing when we got there. The outside was packed of drunk teenagers. The music was that loud that you could here it down the streets. I hope David has nice neighbours.

"I need a drink and boys." Beccy said while we walked through the front door. Cass just shook her head.

Davids house was a nice two story. Squeezing our way through the hall way of the house, guys were eyeing us up trying to grab at us to dance. Cass pushed them out of the way while Beccy flirted and winked at most of them, one even grabbed my ass.

Making our way to the kitchen, all the alcohol was setup there. We seen Gabe, he was on his dj deck in the living room. There were laser lights flashing around and smoke machines. It looked like a club in here. I waved at him signalling if he wanted a drink, he just nodded.

Walking into the kitchen David was around the bar making everyone drinks. Jordan spoke in his ear and then looked back at me smirking. David reached in the cupboard and grabbed some shot glasses out. Oh no. He lined five up and poured Vodka in them all.

"Here we go girls." Jordan said handing us all a shot and taking one for himself. Wait, I thought these were my shots.

"Haha did you think they were all for you Shiloh?" he chuckled.

I nodded he just smirked.

"Im not that mean, Shiloh. I want you to remember the night. But don't worry we got all night for more shots." I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

"SHOTS, SHOTS!" Beccy yelled out people around cheered.

Downing the first shot, it burned my throat. My eyes started to water.

Handing Gabe his beer I told him I was going to the toilet, it was upstairs. Walking through the dance floor, people were making out and grinding up on eachother.

Walking upstairs there was no one up here. Where is the toilet? Going through the first door, I hear moaning. I looked up and was shocked there were people having sex actually a threesoom the guy in the room turned around and looked. My eyes widen, it was Kaden. Quickly slamming the door shut I quickly said sorry and ran to the hall and opened up a door. Thankfully it was the toilet. After going toilet I quickly ran down stairs. I was still in shock, I had just walked in on Kaden having sex.

Spotting Ayla and Cass in the kitchen, we took another shot then made us a pre mix. We made our way over to the dance floor, I didn't want to dance I needed to be drunk for that. Walking over to Gabe, I stood next to him watching him mix. Wow he's good.
The beats were great. Bobbing my head I watched Ayla and Cass dance.

"You having fun?" Gabe yelled in my ear, changing the song.

"Yeah I am." I smiled back at him he just nodded and put his ear phones on.

People were shouting and whistling at someone. Looking over from the dj stand I noticed Kaden walk into the room followed by his girls of the hour. He was buttoning his dress shirt up he whispered in there ear making them giggle. The girls just walked off smiling at eachother while Kaden walked off to his friends who handed him a beer and patted his back. Gabe spoke through the mic gaining every ones attention.

"Welcome everyone, let's give it up and raise our drinks for the Champ tonight KADENN!" Everyone raised there drinks at Kaden. He raised his drink and yelled out "Time to get fucked up." Everyone cheered.

Gabe blasted 'That Power' by Justin Bieber and Will-i-am, I liked the beat of this song.

And I'm loving every second, minute, hour, bigger , better , stronger, power.


Everyone put their hands and jumped as soon as the beat dropped. Ayla brought me and Gabe another drink. She also brought me another shot and said that was from Jordan. Rolling my eyes I took the shot, and downed it with my drink. God that's strong.

Feeling the buzz kick in I started to sway and loosen up. Looking out into the crowd I spotted Beccy, she was making out with some guy. Ayla and Jordan were dancing together. Nodding my head to the music I spoted Kaden with his friends he was laughing and smiling. He had such a nice smile.

Cass called me over to come dance with her. Walking on to the dance floor I downed the rest of my drink and started moving to the beat. Ayla joined in dropping it down low I joined her.

Practically drunk at this point, the vibe feels good. The bass of the music was loud and vibrating the living room. It was hot and sweaty in here. moving my hips to the beat someone came up behind me circling their arms around my waist. The began rolling there body with my backside. Being drunk I was grinding my body into the guy behind me, he gripped my hips and groaned in my ear.

"You look fucking hot, new girl." the guy whispers in my ear making me shiver. New girl?
Turning around to face him I knew it was Kaden, he's the only one who calls me that. Pulling me hard close to his body my breath hitches. Our faces are that close I can smell the beer on his breath. He bends down to the crook of my neck and trails kisses down it, "Real hot." he breaths. I moan, god what the hell is happening my mind is spinning. Is this really happening?

Running his hands up and down the side of my body, it feels good. The way he's touching me. I've never felt like this, we move to the music he's grinding on me. I'm grinding on him. Other than beer I can smell his cologne and he smells good. This is getting too heated. I can feel his friend and his hands are roaming and grabbing at my ass.

"Kiss me." he breaths in my ear. I look up in his eye's and he's so close.  Grabbing my face I lean up and place my lips on his for a quick peck. His lips felt soft but nice. He grips my face  smashing his lips to mine. Parting my lips he shoves his tongue in my mouth and our tongues are moving together. I can taste the tangyness of his beer. My minds in a whirl, wow he can kiss. His hands run under my shirt trailing up past my belly button. His touch feels nice. His other hand is grabbing at my ass.He groups hard and I moan. This is feels too much and too quick. Breaking the kiss, I pull away. Kaden pulls me back but I shake my head at him. He pulls me by ny waist but I push his hand away it's getting to much.

"Stop Kaden!" I slurr pushing him away, I might be drunk but I'm not going any further. He looks pissed.  Oh shit, he's angry.

"What the fuck! Whatever new girl, move." he shoves passed me walking off to the direction of the kitchen. Fucking Asshole! He's just killed my buzz.

Moving through the crowd I can't find anyone. Checking my phone it's 2am. Wow it's been 4 hours since we've been here. I quickly messaged Ayla asking where she is. I wanted to leave, I've had enough. Walking out the back there was a game of beer pong happening, I could see Lee he was playing the two girls that were with Kaden before. Looking around trying to spot the girls, there were people in the pool swimming. Some of the girls had their tops off.

I needed some water my head is spinning. Going to the kitchen I filled up a glass and gulp it down. Putting the cup in the sink I turn and see a girl pushed up on the dining table in the connected room. Her legs were spread by Kaden as she was making out with him. Ahh! really already? He then picks her up making her giggle and carries her out of the room and upstairs. I wanted to throw up I can't believe I just made out with that player and had his hands grouping my body after I walked in on him having sex. What the hell was I thinking and now he's probably going round three.

Finally finding Ayla I told her I wanted to go home I wasn't feeling to good, so she called us a cab me. Her Cass and Jordan left with me but Beccy wanted to stay. Who knew where Lee was. Gabe was still the Dj for the party, he also was going to keep an eye out for Beccy too.

Cass was wasted in the car. She was mumbling something about Lee making out with a some skank, by the sound of her voice she didn't quite like that. Infact it sounded like she was jealous.

"Do you like Lee, Cass?" I asked curiously, you can always get the truth out when there drunk.

"Mhmmm." she nodded Woah What! Aw Cass. She nodded her head forward and dozed  off. How much did this girl drink.

"You owe me shots Shiloh. " Jordan said from the passenger seat of the cab.

"Yeah next time."

Pulling up to Aylas house, Cass ran to the bathroom wanting to puke. I can't take puke, I just walked up stairs wanting to put my pjamas on. I need sleep. Ayla and Jordan were having her room. Ayla suggested one of the spear bedrooms. I picked the one furthest from hers, I do not need to hear anyone else having sex. Cass stayed with me I wanted to watch out for her just incase she pukes again. She was out like a baby. I layed there thinking of the kiss with Kaden, feeling my lips I can't believe what happened tonight.


Naughty Kaden, he is such a player, I wrote this on my phone so I don't know if theres grammar mistakes or what so if there is sorry, anyway I hope you enjoyed it please comment or vote :)

Nakita xx

Hes fucking vile

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11mo ago

Umm use ur head girl. He just fucked 2 girls now his mouth is all up on ur neck. Wtf is wrong u?

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11mo ago

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