His eyes follow from someone behind me. He's lying. Lu Han doesn't believe Kai killed Suho or Chanyeol....but why is he with them? Making him in pain?
The guy walks off to the other room.
I start to cry, thinking about how long I may stay here and how long I've been gone from them. "Katherine stop-" He starts but I cut him off.
"What do you want from me? Do you want me to be scared of you? Or am I suppose to trust you?" I ask not sure what he wants from me.
He has a habit of yelling now, maybe it's because of his friends but sometimes he'd be the sweetest person in the world as he was when he was little. I just wanted to know if this Lu Han is still an angel or some other devil now.
"Is it not obvious that I still care for you?! I'm protecting you and taking care of you!" He starts to raise his voice at me.
"Then why are you doing this to me?" I ask my voice getting shaky from almost tearing up again.
He hugs me but I don't hug him back. "I missed you." He whispers in my ear, holding onto me tighter but letting go sooner than I thought.
I don't know what to stay back because although I do miss him, I miss the guy who I hanged out with everyday when I was young not this guy who has changed so much but is still holding on to the hold memories.
"I..." I start to make weird face expressions, trying to figure what I want to say back. "What?" He says.
"Missed you too." I say half lying to him.
"I know you're probably scared right now and I don't even know if you want to escape because you act so normal other than getting a little angry sometimes but...I won't hurt you." He gives me a small smile.
I look down at my bracelet once again. It's the only thing that makes me feel still connect to Kai. It may still be the last thing now that I have of him.
I look up back at him and he's about to say something but he closes his mouth then starts over.
"Nice bracelet." He compliments but I hide it in my sleeve, pushing my sleeve further down. "Thanks.." I mumble looking away.
"Lu Han! We need to go!" One of his friends comes from upstairs. He turns around to see him and Lu Han gets up.
He leaves without saying bye but from the look in his eyes as he follows his friend, I know he says goodbye but in a hurt way like he wants to stay but he can't.
- - - - - - - - - -
"Open the door!" Someone bangs on the door, startling me. They constantly bang on the door and yell. Two guys are here to 'guard me' but they're both fast asleep. It's 2:00 in the morning and I don't even know who would be banging on the door at this hour.
"I know someone can hear me! Open the door!" They yell again and I know for sure it's Kai.
"Kai." I say softly to myself.
I rush upstairs to open the door slowly. He's about to burst out into anger and its about to push the door wide open but he sees me and almost all his anger is gone and washed with mixed heart felt emotions.
He hugs me so tight that I feel like I can barely breathe but that's okay because he's finally here. He pretty much lifts me off my feet when he hugs me.
My arms are wrapped around his neck while his are around my waist. He finally puts me down when I'm about to slip out of his grip.
"I missed you so much." I start to silently crying into his shoulder.
I know he's about to cry too but he holds it in. "I missed you so much more. I was dying without you Katherine. I love you to the ends of this world." He says. Our eyes are closed, holding to this thankful moment to have each other in our arms again.
"I love you too." I say.
"We have to go." He says letting go although we both don't want to.
He takes my hand and drags me out of the place. We run down the hallway and Kai constantly presses the button of the elevator door until it opens. A bunch of guys talking and laughing with another appear as the elevator doors open.
They immediately stop when they see us both together.
Kai starts running the second he saw them. I can barely catch up with him so he literally almost drags me with him as the guys start running after us.
They're all yelling and some go in different directions which some what brings more fear.
Kai pushes a door open to lead us to stairs and he starts going up. "What are you doing?!" I almost yell at him but he shushes me and continues to run. The doors burst open once again when we've reached a level higher than the others.
Kai opens the door to get into the hallway and go on another elevator but more of the guys have just got out of that elevator so he goes back into the staircase way and make his way up even higher, bringing me with him.
Eventually we get to the roof, out of breath.
"What are we going to do up here?! How are we going to escape?!" I yell at him in fear.
My heart beats quick out of constant fear.
"Show me how much you love me because I can show you right now how much I love you Katherine."
A/N: Last line is confusing but you'll get it soon hopefully lol. Don't read the last chapter.
SPOILER!!!!!!!! Kinda sad ending....

Just Forget ~ Kai Fanfic~
FanfictionKai has a group of people after him and one night they were after him again. He was running through the streets of Seoul at night and that's when he tackled this girl who later, he realizes will mean much more to him than some stranger he bumped int...