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Diggy POV
Me and my friends guy with living room but we have gun.

Prod and ray went to kitchen

Me, roc, Princeton and Lucas living room

Diggy- is that right?

Lucas- yea..wait no

Diggy- ugh fuck doesn't look like black trigger and here in hole gun red spot

Lucas- let me see

I pass gun Lucas

Prod- aye, diggy where is mustard

Diggy- in the cablet drawer

Prod- ight

Princeton- is that tool gun over there bag?

Diggy- yea

Princeton- *grab the bag and pick up tool in gun*

Ding Dong Ding

Diggy-*put down gun table* who is the nigga door?

??- russy

Diggy- oh *open door* wassup russy *dap him*

Russy- nun chill wanna see u *dap him*

Diggy- o come on inside

Russy came inside

Russy- wtf all this?

Diggy- a gun

Russy- y?

Diggy- because we going to trap house get money tonight

Russy- are u fucking seriously?

Diggy- *shrug* yes

Russy-*sigh* if u gonna kill man shot u until finna die

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