I woke up with a startle. I looked around the room
It was dark..I can't stand to be alone. Maybe a walk will do me some good.Maybe some ramen would do me good
I looked ahead of me and saw a figure walking ahead of me. I ran to catch up it was hinata
"Hinata what are you doing out at this time"
She looked at me I could tell she has been crying
I grabbed her hand she didn't pull away
" hinata why have you been crying "
She tried to explain but I couldn't really make out her words through all the crying
"Hinata-chan wait"
" y..yes naruto-kun"
" well I was going on a trip and wanted to know if you will accompany me what do you say."
With that I saw hope in her eyes.
" Naruto-kun any chance we can leave tonight" she said looking at the floor
" yes, just go pack and meet me by the gate in 30 minutes OK"
" bye naruto " she said a faint smile on her lips
" not bye hinata-chan see you later" and with that I left.

Naruhina Fanfiction-- Saying Goodbye
RandomThis isn't like every other naruto's fan fiction it's different the characters will make decisions you might not like but they will act like themselves not like in other stories where they act out of character