chapter 2- her sadness

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I woke up with a startle. I looked around the room
It was dark..I can't stand to be alone. Maybe a walk will do me some good.

Maybe some ramen would do me good
I looked ahead of me and saw a figure walking ahead of me. I ran to catch up it was hinata
"Hinata what are you doing out at this time"
She looked at me I could tell she has been crying
I grabbed her hand she didn't pull away
" hinata why have you been crying "
She tried to explain but I couldn't really make out her words through all the crying
"Hinata-chan wait"
" y..yes naruto-kun"
" well I was going on a trip and wanted to know if you will accompany me what do you say."
With that I saw hope in her eyes.
" Naruto-kun any chance we can leave tonight" she said looking at the floor
" yes, just go pack and meet me by the gate in 30 minutes OK"
" bye naruto " she said a faint smile on her lips
" not bye hinata-chan see you later" and with that I left.

Naruhina Fanfiction--  Saying GoodbyeWhere stories live. Discover now