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I took my key out of the ignition and looked out my drivers window at Za's house. This was all a huge mess that I created. And I needed to start cleaning it up. I sighed and got out of the car.

I stepped on the porch and looked at the door bell for a couple of minutes. I wasn't sure if I wanted to see or talk to Za because I was ashamed. Even though I wasn't insinuating cheating with Justin, part of me didn't want him to stop. I had to make it right. I quickly rang the door bell and my heart immediately started to beat rapidly.

It took a couple of minutes until the door opened. Za looked at me and smiled. I was so confused because when I saw him last week he was screaming and crying. Now he seemed like his normal self.

"Hey Chanel." He said.

"H-Hey..." I started. "Can we talk for a minute?"

"Sure." He stepped on the porch and closed the front door.

"I wanted to talk to you about last weekend." I said shakily.

"It's okay," Za said calmly, "I coped with it. I know you wanted him to."

"W-what?" I asked.

How did he know that?!

"I see the way you look at him. You like him. But I like you, and you didn't want to hurt my feelings. So you faked liking me and it started to trick you into liking me."


"Go to him." He said, a little serious.


"Go get him," He said sternly. "Before it's too late."

I hugged Za tight and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for understanding me."

"No problem," He said, smiling again. "That's what friends are for."

I waved at him one last time and started walking to my car. Then I heard a wolf whistle in my direction. I turned back to Za and he smirked.

"Imma sure miss that ass tho."

"Shut up." I joked and got into the car.

Next stop.... Isabelle.


I rang the doorbell and immediately Isabelle opened the door.

"How did you know I was..."

"I saw you through the window," She said bitterly. "What do you want?"

"I came to apologise." I said.

"For what," She snapped. "Stealing my boyfriend?"

"I didn't steal-- you know what?" I said, getting angry.

"What?" She asked.

"I know we can't get on the right track but I wanted you to know that I thought about you and Justin and I bring together was going to hurt you a lot and that's why I turned him down. I didn't want to hurt anybody, my heart just did what it wanted and I apologize for that."

"Wow," She said lightly. "I've never had anyone apologise to me before."

"I'm really sorry Isabelle," I repeated. "So blame me, not Justin. I lead him on."

"It's okay." She said calmly.

I was shocked.

"H-Huh?" I was expected more yelling and sarcasm.

"You obviously love him. I was just using him for his looks and popularity. I was going to tell him soon why I dated him in the first place, but he really cared about me and I never had a guy who liked me so much before. But you genuinely love him. I can't stop you two from loving each other."

"Thanks Isabelle." I said, smiling weakly.

"Go after him," She said. "I think he'll really like what have to say."

I quickly put Isabelle in a bear type hug. She awkwardly patted my back. That made me hug her tighter.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"No problem," She said. "Now go before I change my mind."

"Okay," I said. "See you on Monday."


I hoped into the car and started to drive to Justin's house. Then it started to get dark and it looked like it was going rain really hard tonight. I turned on my headlights and my windshield wipers as the rain started to pour down.

I finally got to Justin's house and the rain had not stopped at all. I quickly got out of my car and ran to Justin's front door. I instantly got drenched. I ran the doorbell.

"Why doesn't he have a porch like everyone else?" I mumbled to myself.

It had been a minutes and he still didn't open up the door. I rang it again. Finally, the door opened.

I crashed my lips onto his. He hesitated a little, but then he started to kiss me back. I started to moan against the kiss, craving more of him. He smirked and held me close with my butt in his hands. My hands started to creep into his hair and started to tug and twist on it.

Soon we broke the kiss to get air, resting our foreheads on each other.

"What was that for?" He asked me?

"I realized I can't live with out you," I started to peck his lips between each word. "I. Love. You. I. Love. You. I. Love. You."

He laughed and whispered to me. "You know what we have to do now, right?"

"Soon," I said, pulling myself from his grasp. "After you've earned it."

And I walked back to my car with him laughing at me teasing him again.

Chanel // j.bWhere stories live. Discover now