Chapter Seventeen: A Death Sentence

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Evelyn knew that she was being less than pleasurable company, but she cared little. On her right Eric kept casting worried glances at his bride-to-be, but she ignored him completely. So to elevate any awkwardness he kept up a steady stream of conversation with one of his brothers, attempting to include Evelyn where possible. However, whilst his tirade of meaningless conversation irritated the Princess, she was grateful that he was attempting to keep the situation normal.

Evelyn did not regret sharing her secret with her future husband. Ever since they had spoken about Jack Frost it was though a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders and more importantly from her heart. The Princess did not realise that holding onto so much would affect her so greatly. It also lifted her spirits to know that at least one person was on her side.

Although Eric had not expressly stated that he believed Jack to be a good person, it was one more mind that would think a little differently towards the infamous figure. It mattered little, however. Jack Frost had promised to leave and Evelyn was certain that she would never lay eyes on him again. It did not matter how many people she convinced to fight his corner, her betrayal of his heart had been too much.

Once they had decided to bring the wedding forwards, Evelyn had broken the news to Henry, who had been the most accessible of her three family members. Her twin had tried desperately to make her reconsider, stating that he could convince their father otherwise, that she could help the Kingdom if she stayed. It broke her heart, but she told him firmly that her usefulness in the Kingdom had run its course. Henry had reluctantly informed their parents, who had declared that the engagement dinner would lighten the mood in the miserable palace and that it would be better to be wed before the weather worsened, if that were at all possible. And thus, the two families had been brought together to celebrate. The wedding was scheduled for three days after the dinner.

On her left, Henry barely noticed that his sister's mind appeared to be absent. Similarly he sat quietly and stared into the distance. Evelyn knew that he feared the storm that had been battering the Kingdom could not be stopped. She didn't doubt that he was thinking of ways to protect the people, the resources he needed to acquire and how to find Jack Frost and hopefully put an end it all. Evelyn knew that if they found him it would mean his certain death.

The Princess felt sick to her stomach every time she thought about the storm or caught a glimpse of the Kingdom, where the snow and ice were still attacking with fury. Although no-one else knew it, (besides Eric who kept reminding her that it wasn't) this was her fault. She knew that there would be no end to this, unless Jack travelled far away. Even though it caused her great agony, she hoped that he had fled the Kingdom and that the storm would go with him.

The entire north side of the palace, including Evelyn's quarters, had been moved elsewhere in the palace due to damage by the wind. All of the windows on this side of the palace had shattered, leaving six people injured as well as endless mess and destruction. These rooms were now housing snow instead of their occupants who had been placed in less favourable rooms. Evelyn was still in Eric's chambers whilst he had been moved elsewhere.

As for the rest of the Kingdom, messages and reports had been filling the palace all week. The King had sent as much aid and resources as he could manage to the villages and towns, but it would not be enough. Both he and Henry had been locked in a room for days, attempting to think of methods and strategies to help the Kingdom. The best they had been able to achieve was to allow Michael's Kingdom to lend them resources and food. This had delighted the other King, who had insisted that he would be happy to help, but of course at a cost. Evelyn knew that the palace treasury would suffer greatly through this deal and she constantly worried that other deals would result in the revelation of her involvement before she could escape the palace.

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Eric had remained at Evelyn's side since they had talked, even going as far as pairing Arthur with a guard from his own regiment. Evelyn really liked Eric, but she could not see herself loving the man as a husband. Besides, she knew the truth of his affections. He would never love her in the way a husband should. She had a deeper level of gratitude and feeling towards him since he had vowed to protect her and she knew from the look in his eyes that he meant every last word.

Evelyn knew that she had given up her happy, fulfilling life to a man who would not love her even if he wanted to. Worst of all, she had given up the love of a man who could and did love her. If Evelyn had known of Jack's affection towards her before she had accepted Eric's hand then she would have found another method of freeing him from that cell. But she had not known, at least not until he had stayed the night with her. That had been her confirmation and by then it had been too late. And as Eric stated, the storm only verified the fact that he felt something for her.

Evelyn banished the thoughts of Jack Frost from her mind. It was too painful to consider. Besides, he was the cause of the storm that was battering her Kingdom. No, it was no longer her Kingdom. It was Henry's Kingdom. It would be Henry's. Politics, agriculture, resourcing were no longer her concern. All she must think of was her wedding, the children she would bear and how she could make Eric happy. This thought pushed her deeper into her depression than before. Although Eric had promised that he would not force her to do anything she did not want to, she couldn't help but feeling helplessness at the whole situation.

The clink of a glass brought Evelyn from her thoughts. Turning her head towards her father at the head of the table, she attempted to look attentive, but she knew she was failing miserably. It was the third toast her father had made, each one more slurred than the last as the brandy entered his system.

I no longer care. She thought bitterly to herself. He is the man who threatens my life, who holds it in his hands with no regards. This is his fault. I would kill him if I had half the chance. And he shames us all by not holding his drink well.

Evelyn felt a surge of fury towards her father. Physically bristling, she narrowed her eyes slightly, glaring at the man who had brought all of this upon her, or at least so she felt. The Princess no longer felt any love or admiration for her father. He was a crook and a bully, a man who fumed and raged his way out of situations.

"I cannot begin to express my delight that my daughter has finally taken the hand of a respectable, well-brought up young man of royal blood. Prince Eric, I hope that Evelyn will make you very happy, as I know you will make her happy. I would like to toast the union of these two families. Everyone raise your glass. To Evelyn and Eric."

The King raised his glass with everyone else, and then downed the lot in one gulp. His ruddy cheeks bunched as he smiled a stupid grin, then opened his mouth and belched loud and clear. Evelyn sipped her wine, rolling her eyes to herself as she watched her father totter against his chair. Everyone had returned to their meals, but for some reason the Princess' eyes remained trained on her father's robust form.

The King's grin had slipped from his round face. It was replaced by a look of fear, one that crept across his features like a disease. All at once, his eyes bulged dangerously in his head. He pressed a hand to his throat, opening his mouth, but no sound escaped him. Evelyn watched in horror as he grasped desperately at his neck, trying to say something. White foam suddenly burst from his lips, dribbling down his chin. His face was steadily turning redder and redder. With a gasp, he fell backwards into the chair, his knees buckling. The weight of his body pushed his torso forwards so that his face fell into his plate.

It had happened in seconds and Evelyn could not believe the scene she had witnessed. Everyone else around the table stopped talking; frowning at the King, who remained still, face down on the table. The Queen tutted loudly, shaking her head. King Michael guffawed into his goblet, rolling his eyes dramatically.

"It appears my husband has had a little too much to drink this evening." The Queen said breezily, taking a draught from her goblet. She raised her hand and clicked once to the young squire who was lurking in the doorway. He understood the command and exited the room quickly, presumably to fetch stronger men to remove the King to his chambers.

Evelyn's muscles felt paralysed. She attempted to open her mouth, to speak, to tell them what she had just seen. But her throat had closed up, her mind was fuzzy. Instead she rose slowly, her heart thudding in her chest painfully. Henry cast her a confused look as she walked around the table. Every movement was hard, as though her limbs weighed a thousand tons. She could barely breathe as she drew level with her father's chair.

A memory from her childhood rushed to her mind.

"And if you feel here..." Annie took Evelyn's little hand and pressed two fingers to the little girl's neck. Evelyn frowned at the healer, but she waited patiently, not understanding what she was feeling. There was a steady thud beneath her fingertips, which she felt all at once. Eyes widening, she smiled at Annie.

"That is your pulse. It tells you that you are alive."

Evelyn cautiously reached out her hand, frightened of what she would feel. In her mind, she already knew the answer. Pressing two fingers to the crease in her father's neck, she felt and waited. Everyone around the table was watching with open mouths and wide eyes. The Princess waited a whole minute, feeling and moving her fingers to different spots, but the conclusion was always the same. Lifting her head, she shook it in disbelief.

"He is dead." She whispered, her voice shaking and her body mimicking this. A collective gasp escaped the two families. Next, there was uproar, the Queen was shouting for help, Henry had risen to his feet and was demanding to know what had happened and other members of the meal were shouting at one another, accusing, furious and shocked.

Evelyn backed away from the table, until her back hit the wall behind her. She had wished her father dead, but she had never believed it would happen. Guilt and grief began to overwhelm her thoughts as she stared at his lifeless body. And then all of those feelings disappeared...

She was free.

She was free of his grasp.

Her eyes locked onto Henry, who had darted around the table to their father, disbelief on his face and grief shining in his eyes.

He looked up and locked eyes with his sibling. Shaking his head, he put his hand to forehead and rubbed his eyes.

Evelyn saw the look in them. She understood completely.

Henry was frightened. He was frightened because he was now King.


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