Orochimaru's P.O.V
I was in my room geting ready for a mission then I heard Mao's scream. Something really bad should have hapened for her to scream because she didn't let a small noise come out of her mouth when she acidently was stabed by a sword. I hurried to her room and saw that other Akatsuki memebers were doing the same. When I opened her bedroom doors she wasn't here but I saw hers bathroom door open so thought that she should be there. When I runned into the bathroom I almost falled back on Konan,who was just behind me, because of that I saw. Mao was sitting on the floor in front of the miror and had cat ears, tail and pawns on her body and by the look of it, it was real.
" What the fuck" Hidan cursed behind. As I walked closer to Mao she looked at me and I saw that her once light grey eyes now was almost like mine, just maybe a shade darker.
" How did you..." I tried to calm myself 'cause it may be the first time when I wasn't the one who cause the transformation.
" Well ... I was reading the scrols Pain-sama gave me when suddenly my body became hot and after the few minutes I was feeling normal again but when I looked at my hands I saw what I have pawns and after going into the bathroom and looking at the mirror I saw what not ony my hands changed." She told us quickly.
" When I think about it, I think I remember that here once was a clan like that. A clan similar to Inuzukas, just only with cats and here was some rumor, that the most strongest members of the clan could became cats themselves. I think it was Nekos clan but I'm not really sure since as I know that clan was destroied about hundred years ago." Pain said.
Mao's P.O.V
Since that day, I became half a cat (later I realized that it wasn't a cat) all Akatsuki memebers tried to find information about Nekos clan. We learned that as Pain-sama said the last memeber of the clan was killed fifty years ago. Because of it we now doubted that I could be from Neko clan but still searched futher. Indeed that clans members could turn into cats after atleast twenty years of intense training and meditation. This fact made us doubt even more because I turn into a white tiger and not cat, and I didn't need any training for it.
My sixth birthday was not too long ago and with each day I started to feel sadder and sadder. I tried to spent as much time with Orochimaru-sama as I could and the only way to prevent me from giving into saddness was training. I almost didn't rest at all and a few times already had fainted for chakra overusing. I saw that everyone was woried about my change and I think they felt that I knew about my leave. One evening, week till my sixht birthday Orochimaru-sama called me into his room. As I expected he wanted to tell me about my leave.
"It's allright Orochimaru-sama I already know, and as always I'll follow yours orders" I gave him a sad smile. He for the first time hugged me and it felt so good.
"My dear, it's all for your good. You'll be around your age kids. Will be putted on a team, have a sensei..."
"When I will be able to come back?"
"I promise you that after some time I'll come back for you, allright?"
"As long as you want that"I answared with a nod" Can I ask you one thing?"
"Well ofcourse"
"Could you tie a colar around my neck?" I asked and he looked confused so I exsplained "Since you are my owner, I want something that would be a proof of it. Please?"
"If it's that what you want"

Neko Mao (Naruto fan fiction)
FanfictionMao from three years old lived together with Orochimaru in Akatsuki and was trained by all of them. On Mao's sixht birthday Orochimaru decided to send the girl to live in Konoha for her own safety. Will Mao stay loyal To her Orochhimaru-sama, or wil...