Courtney's POV
"Hey Jerrek!" I smile seductively.
"Hey Court. It's crazy out there." He smiles.
"Yeah. It sure is." I smile back.
It's about to get crazy in here. I walk up and hug Jerrek, pushing my chest against him, like I did yesterday. "It's so great to see you again! It's been so long."
Jerrek lets out an awkward cough. "Yeah. It's been awhile." He lets me go and sits on the small couch.
I put the outfit I was holding on the table near the door. I discreetly lock it. I make my way over to the couch and sit next to him. Fortunately for me, the couch is so small it allows our legs to be flushed together. Every inch of my leg that is touching his, is tingling. It is more than enough to convince me that we should be together. If I feel the spark, surely he does too. Right?
"So how've you been? What's new?" I ask, making small talk.
"I've been modeling a lot more since the last time we've seen each other. I'm working on an album that will be releasing as soon as I come up with a few more songs. Other than that, nothing much. How about you?" Jerrek smiles.
"An album? That's awesome! You always had an amazing voice." I smile. I lightly put my hand on his thigh. "I've been modeling more. I'm signed up for a new TV show. We are still working on the pilot." I smile back.
"A TV show. That's great news Court!" He exclaims. "I'm happy for you."
"Thanks! I'm happy for you too. No one has called me that in awhile." I half smile.
"Called you what? Court? That's because I'm awesome!" Jerrek stands up from the couch and puffs his chest out like Superman jokingly.
I stand up as well laughing at his crazy antics and slap his chest. I couldn't help but leave my hand there. I felt his well defined muscles under my hand. I looked into his eyes and then glanced at his lips. He must've noticed because he licked his lips. I saw his Adam's apple move while he gulped.
Knock Knock
"It's almost time! Everyone should be in their first outfits!" A voice calls out from the other side of the door.
Jerrek lets out an awkward cough. "We better get ready." He turns to his rack of clothes.
I walk to the table near the door to retrieve the outfit I placed there. I was about to walk toward the makeshift dressing room when another idea formed. I turned to the long mirror and grabbed the hem of my shirt pulling it over my head. I was left standing in my bra and jeans. I was undoing the button on my jeans when I glanced in the mirror.
I caught Jerrek's eye, which made him look away quickly. He mumbled a sorry. I smirked, walking up to him.
"You don't have to be sorry. It's nothing you haven't seen before. In fact, you've seen a lot more of me." I smirk again.
He looked at me seriously. "That was before. This is now. I'm sorry." He turned around and took off his shirt.
I could see his back muscles flexing as he did so. What I wouldn't give to leave scratches on his back. Like I did before.. I chuckled quietly.
"What's so funny?" Jerrek puts his shirt on before turning back to face me.
"I was just thinking how sexy your back muscles looked and how I used to leave scratches there. Many.. Many times.." I bite my lip seductively.
Jerrek's face was priceless! He was at a loss for words. I turned around and took my jeans off in front of the mirror. I saw Jerrek trying hard not to glance at my exposed arse. I wore a thong today, for this exact moment. So far my plan is working. Soon Jerrek Mikaelsson will be mine again.
I pulled the dress on and I loved how the fabric hugged my body perfectly. I tried different ways but I just couldn't reach the zipper.
"Uhm.. Hey Jerrek.. Do you mind zipping me up?" I call out.
I feel a hand grab the zipper. I felt my body erupt in tingles. "Uhh.. It's kind of stuck."
"Try grabbing an area of the dress down with one hand and then zip it up with the other hand." I instruct him.
"What area?" He inquires.
I love how respectful he is. I smile. "The area that the zipper starts at."
I know very well where the zipper starts at and my body is aching in anticipation. It just so happens to start in the middle of my arse. Which means he'd have to touch me. I could hear him gulp loudly. I smirked. The best part is that I didn't even plan this part. I feel his hand graze me and I let out a gasp.
He finishes zipping me up. "All done."
I purposely dropped an earring to the floor. I bent over, making sure my arse rubs against his groin. I let out a loud gasp when I feel his arousal. That I honestly wasn't expecting! He usually has better control of his hormones. Either he really wants me.. Or he isn't getting any from little miss no name. Well.. This just got more fun!
Jerrek's POV
I walk into the room I've been assigned to for outfit changes. I don't see why we have to stay in here the whole time. I would rather be with Alaina and enjoying the open bar.
"Hey Jerrek!" Courtney smiles seductively at me.
This is going to be a long night. I can't wait until this night is over so we don't have to see each other again. Courtney is a good person when she wants to be but she can also be the most manipulative person in the world.
She walks up to me and hugs me. I hug her back to be polite. I feel her rub her breasts against me. Luckily it didn't affect me this time. I let out a slight cough and take a seat on the couch. Courtney takes a seat next to me. I inwardly curse at how small the couch is. Her whole leg is pressed against mine. I find it very awkward and uncomfortable.
Courtney and I engage in small talk. I told her what I'm up to and she tells me what she has been up to. Being in a TV show is pretty impressive, I admit.
"A TV show. That's great news Court!" I exclaim. "I'm happy for you."
"Thanks! I'm happy for you too. No one has called me that in awhile." She half smiles.
"Called you what? Court? That's because I'm awesome!" I stand up from the couch and puff my chest out like Superman.
Courtney stands up laughing and smacks my chest. She left her hand on my chest. Memories of the times we shared where she would smack my chest and I'd grab her hands pulling her flushed against me flooded my head. I snapped out of it when I saw her glance at my lips. I licked my lips. I don't know why. I just did. I gulped I don't know whats happening to me.
Thankfully someone knocked on the door. Breaking the trance I felt like I was in. Courtney is manipulating you. I don't know why. I just know she is. Don't fall for it. I give myself a little pep talk in my head.
"We better get ready." I turn to my rack full of clothes.
Courtney walked away to get ready. I was going through the rack. When I glanced up I saw Courtney in her bra and jeans. I didn't mean to stare but I couldn't help it. I am a guy! She caught my eye and I looked away embarrassed.
I mumbled a quick sorry.
"You don't have to be sorry. It's nothing you haven't seen before. In fact, you've seen a lot more of me." She smirks.
"That was before. This is now. I'm sorry." I turn around and take my shirt off.
I hear Courtney chuckle. "What's so funny?" I put my shirt on quickly before turning to face her.
"I was just thinking how sexy your back muscles looked and how I used to leave scratches there. Many.. Many times.." She bites her lip.
She always knew what buttons to press. I love when girls bite their lips and she knew it too. Courtney walked away to finish getting ready.
I turned my gaze away from Courtney's exposed arse and thought of Alaina. I should not be reminiscing about my ex when I am in a secret relationship. Alaina and I haven't slept together yet and it is killing me. I'm not used to going this long without being with someone. I used to sleep around but ever since Alaina, I stopped. I really like her and I don't want to hurt her.
Courtney brings out the worst in me. We have too much history and this tension is not helping. I really need this night to be over. I need to get out of this damn room!
Courtney asked me to zip up the zipper on her dress. I would rather stay far as possible from her but this is Alaina's entries. She deserves the perfect night. I wish she was here. I bet Courtney wouldn't be acting like this if Alaina was here.
I tried to zip her up but the zipper was stuck. Courtney instructed me on what to do. I tried my hardest not to touch her inappropriately. I gulped loudly. I'm pretty sure she heard it too. My hand grazed her arse and she let out a gasp from my touch.
I have to admit. Being close to her body and zipping her up slightly turned me on. Knowing she gasped from my touch fully turned me on. Like I said it's been awhile. Damn hormones and an ex lover is just not a good combination.
"All done." I was about to turn around when Courtney bent down in front of me. Her arse rubbed against my erection.
She let out a loud gasp. Well.. That's embarrassing!