I head to the back room where black usually is , and when I get there he's sitting on the couch playing his PlayStation and smoking a cigar . "Aye black" I called to him . "Hey lil mama , wassup?" He said looking at me for a split second not wanting to get distracted from his game . "Ugh , You know where Letti is?" I asked with an attitude . "You know she out working making the fee for daddy. If she ain't on Fig , where she should be , then I don't know" he said still not looking at me . Since I already heard what I wanted to know I didn't waist no time getting out that house . Letti is my best friend , me and that girl been through so much together . I hate that she started working for black , especially because she selling pussy for this nigga . It's like he owns her soul or some shit . And she barely gets a break . When he ain't beating her ass , she out making the fee for him . I try to convince her that she's too beautiful to be doing this but she just claims that she likes it because black "takes good care" of her and Kayla . Kayla is Lettis daughter who lives with Lettis mom because she obviously can't live with her and black . I wasn't bout to go all the way on fig looking for Letti , so I just decided to go home and I would hit her up later ...