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"What is it? What happened?" Zayn asks instantly as Gunner closes the door. I stare at Harry, who is staring at Zayn and Zayn is staring at Gunner.

"Calm down, it wasn't me." Harry's jaw tenses up before he adverts his gaze to me. I felt my cheeks rush with blood. I shouldn't have assumed it was Harry.

"He knows something though. Tell them what you told me." Gunner commands. Harry nods and goes on to tell his bit.

"I woke up around two a.m. the day before yesterday. I couldn't stop dreaming of Ana so I got up and I was going to go fix me a cup of tea. Its the only way I can sleep anymore. Besides that, I heard somene talking. I couldn't make out who's voice it was, but I heard that tone of voice before. They were talking with another person, a girl I think. She didn't sound familiar, but then again I haven't talked to many of the Farah that live here either. Anyways, they were talking about meeting up the next night at the sea house or something like that. I don't think that they knew I was up and in the kitchen. After they left I went back upstairs and went to sleep." Harry explains.

"You need to requestion everyone. Ask them if they know of anyone that has left the house within the pass week, don't give a specific day. Don't ask them who left the house yesterday, you won't find anyone that way. They will know that we know. Keep it broad. Give me a list of anyone that has left the house this week and then I will personally ask them about their whereabouts. Make sure to bring Harry back in here as if you will be interrogating him as well. We can't have anyone making assumptions." Zayn instructs quickly. Gunner nods his head and Zayn turns to Harry. "Harry, thank you for turning over that information. We will need you now more than ever."

"Yeah sure." Harry grumbles before standing up and leaving the room.

"Actually, I am going to go talk to Harry. I will be back to check in on everything." I give a quick kiss to Zayn on the cheek. After, I make my way towards Harry.

"Harry!" I call. He turns around and stares at me. "Please, can I talk to you?" I questioned.

"Go for it." He says.

"Uhm, go in this room. People don't need to be listening." I guided him to the next room on our right. I think its the one Nicole and Liam are staying in. Harry enters before me and I close the door quickly.

"Harry, I am so sorry about what happened to Ana, but-"

"You should be." He spat.

"But its not my fault that she died." I finished my sentence.

"It might nit be your fault, Alex, but it sure as hell seems like it is. We were all counting on you. We all needed you. And you let your friend die! How do you not feel guilty!?" He yells out in frustration.

"You know, Harry. It feels as if you want me to believe its my fault! But it isn't! Its not my fault, or your fault. Its no one's but that bastard's that killed her! And I promise you Harry that we will find him and you cab have your way with him." I reply calmly.

"That isn't going to bring her back! I loved her, Alex. They didn't even turn her into a fucking Farah so she is really gone! We can't bring her back! You can't bring back my happiness. My entire body just feels completely lost! She was the reason for my smile. She was the better side of me. There isn't anything anyone can do to make me feel better about this." Harry cried out. His green eyes are hollow and in that moment I saw the broken Harry. I finally took notice of his body that was growing skinnier. His cheeks are hollow and the dark circles under his eyes look terrible against his paling skin.

"Look at this." He raises his hair off of his shoulders, giving me a glimpse at his bottom roots that are turning silver. A gasp escaped my mouth.

"I know. I'm already becoming my own person. I'm not going to be connected with anyone anymore." He says sadly.

"Why isn't your hair all the way silver?" I asked curiously.

"I still feel Ana's presence. She hasn't let go yet." He whispers.

"We can still save her! Harry, we need to get her body!" I shout practically, but he only shakes his head.

"We buried her. We won't get to her on time." He tells me weakly. I walk over to him and hug him tightly.

"She loves you." I whisper to him.
"God, I hope so." He replies. In that moment, I understood Harry. I knew what he wanted. He wanted to feel happy again, to turn back to his normal dimpled self.

"Hey," Harry mumbled, "get back out there and be a hero." I laugh a bit and let go of his body.

"I wasn't a hero to start with." I smiled a bit.

"You're right. More like a protector. Just go do what you have to do. I'll be fine." He sent me a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.


"Go." He says a bit louder. I nod and back out of the room slowly. I felt better knowing that Harry doesn't hate me much anymore.

"Alex?" I turned around and saw Liam.

"Hey there." I smile.

"I haven't got to talk to you much anymore. How are you?" He crossed his arms around his chest.

"Yeah, things have been hectic," I say, "but I'm fine. Yourself?"

"I'm good. Do you have to report back to Zayn? Or are you free for a bit?" He asks me.

"Uhm, I don't think Zayn is going to need me for a bit." I tell him.

"Good. Lets go for a walk." Liam smiles and throws an arm around my shoulder.

Together, we walked around in the garden, sincee it wasn't safe for us to leave the house. We chatted about random things and he talked out what had happened the day of Ana's death. Where they buried her and what Harry went through the following days. We talked about Nicole and Zayn.

"Do you think we could somehow make it through this? This whole Farah rebellion? I mean, how do we stop something like that?" I questioned. We now sit cross legged on the grass.

"I don't think we can beat them, honestly, but I have my trust in Zayn and in you. We will make it through it." Liam put his hand on my thigh.

"I went out last night and I saw these two Farah I believe with these strange tattoos."

"You went out last night?" I questioned. I felt a wave of terror wash over me. Liam is now a suspect of being a traitor.

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