16 ~ Nursery

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Harry ~ You were away for the weekend, gone up north for a weekend with your mum. It was a girl's only weekend so you could spend some time with her before the baby came. You had an amazing time with her; the spa treatments, the shopping, the food- it was all so relaxing. But you missed being home. You preferred your own bed over a hotel bed, and you missed having your husband sleeping beside you.

You were relieved to be home. When you went into the bedroom to start unpacking, Harry was lying in bed in only his boxers, watching tv. "Hey!" he greeted you, sitting up. "How was it?"

"It was nice, relaxing. We had fun. Did you miss me too much?" You leaned up against the bed, placing one hand on Harry's bare chest.

"Very much so, love." He pressed a kiss to your lips. It was a nice welcome home. You pulled away, brushing his hair from his eyes, and began to take your dirty clothes out of your suitcase. "Can't you do that tomorrow? I want to snuggle my wife."

"We can snuggle. In a few minutes." You continued unpacking, throwing nearly everything into the hamper.

"Oh, I almost forgot! I have a little gift for you. Its down the hall." He grabbed your hand and pulled you out of your bedroom and down the hall. He stopped at the door of what was soon to be your baby girl's nursery. It had a grey 'C' on the door that wasn't there when you left. He slowly opened the door, but not before telling you to close your eyes.

"Open!" He exclaimed, and you did. You were baffled that he was able to do so much work in just a few days, never mind make it look so good. The grey and white floral wallpaper was up, the furniture was put together, the rug was on the floor. Everything was done. You began to look around, opening the drawers and closet to find that everything was put away, and it was done neatly. It was beautiful.

"Harry, I- How did you-?" You began to cry, running up to him and crying into his chest.

"Love, I thought this was how we talked about doing it? Did you change your mind?"

"No," you cried.

"If you don't like it, we can change it. I won't mind."

"No, I love it!"

"Then why are your crying?"

"Because I love it, and I love you, and- I don't know! I'm happy!" You looked up and smiled at him as he wiped the wetness of your cheeks.

"You like it then?"

"Yeah." You began to cry again, and Harry just sighed, chuckling.

Niall ~ You had it designed by an amazing interior decorator, while you were on tour. She sent you pictures, but you wouldn't be able to see it and stock it up until you went home. You didn't know when that would be yet, but you were excited. You fell in love with in as soon as you saw the pictures.

It had to be gender neutral, because you weren't going to be finding out the gender until he or she was born, so it was all white with some light grey and pale yellow. A big painting of 3 giraffes was above the crib, and there was a big, comfortable looking chair in the corner. It was really beautiful, and you couldn't wait to see your baby sleeping in that room.

Liam ~ "Uncle Liam?" Your niece, Sara, asked. You and Liam were watching her for your brother today. You turned from where you were standing at the changing table and watched as your husband and niece were looking through the baby books.

"Niece Sara?" he answered, making her laugh. She closed her book and put it onto the bookshelf. Liam had been in here night and day preparing for the baby. He did an amazing job putting the furniture together, and found an amazing crib at an antique store.

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