*Chapter Five*

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I Refuse to Fall in Love with Him *ch. 5*

Sereya’s POV:

How many I told ya’s and start overs and shoulders

Have you cried on before?

How many promises, be honest girl

How many tears you let hit the floor?

How many bags you packed, just to take him back

Tell me that how many either or’s

But no more if you let me inside of your inside your world

There'll be one less lonely girl


 I was lying on my bed, IPod in my ears, trying to forget about everything that happened today. The rest of the day didn’t go too well either. It seemed like everywhere I went, Austin and Angel were making out.

To top it off, no matter how many times I tried to forget about the 2 minute flirting connection Austin and I had, he somehow seemed to pop back in my mind.

I grabbed my laptop, logged into my Aim account, and started an IM session with my girl Janelle.

MzJThatGurl (Janelle): Hey gurl. What u up 2?

LilMzSwagga (Me): Tryna 4get about that dorkface jerk. Wbu?

MzJThatGurl: Umm…kinda tlkin to Mr.Dorkface’s friend. J

LilMzSwagga: Ur already working on your project together?

MzJThatGurl: Nope…were just chatting. *wink, wink*

LilMzSwagga: Ur joking me, rite?

MzJThatGurl: Sorry girl..but no. He’s sooo sweet!

Janelle went on to explain how she and Marcus sat with each other last week at lunch when Asia, Austin, and I were in detention. She said he was standing next to her in line and then he sat with her at lunch. After that, they exchanged numbers and they’ve been texting ever since.

LilMzSwagga: Gurl! Why didn’t you tell me about your secret lover before?

MzJThatGurl: Uhhh..one he’s not my lover…yet. And two…I didn’t think it was that serious until he started walking me to my class each day.

LilMzSwagga: Well I’m happy for you girlie.

Bzzz! I picked up my cell phone to see a text from a number I didn’t recognize. I told Janelle to hold on and I opened the text.

Hey beautiful. What you up to? ~TheYoungKing

I knew exactly who it was from, and even though I was wondering how he got my number, and I was very eager to talk to him, I put down my cell phone, ignoring Austin.

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LilMzSwagga: Oh my gosh! Guess who just texted me?

MzJThatGurl: Austin..?

LilMzSwagga: YES! How did you know? Wait a minute…did you give him my number?

MzJThatGurl: Umm. Well technically I gave it to Marcus and he gave it to Austin, but the only reason why I did it is because you wouldn’t stop talking about him! Plus, I know you have a project to work on with him.

LilMzSwagga: Wow gurl! What am I gonna do with you? Ughhh! I don’t want to talk to him!

MzJThatGurl: Lolz. Oh well gurl! Hey btw wanna go to the mall Friday night?

LilMzSwagga: Yeah sure. I gotta ask my momz tho.

MzJThatGurl: Okey dokey well im out. Ttyl gurl.

LilMzSwagga: Bye hun!

As soon as Janelle logged off, my cell vibrated. It was Austin…AGAIN! I turned on my stereo, threw my phone onto my bed, and started running the water for the tub. I squirted gallons of bubble bath in the water, and dove right in.

Austin’s POV:

I had just come back from basketball practice and was drenched in sweat. However, instead of jumping in the shower like I normally do, I plopped down on my bed and grabbed my cell phone. I had 3 texts from Angel, 1 from Sterling, and a picture message from my Dad. The picture was of the St. Louis Arch. My dad is a CEO, and he usually spends most of his time traveling to observe law firms under his belt.

I shot Sterling a quick text and then sent a message to Angel, who replied right away.

Where r u? ~ImATen

Bball practice…you know that. ~TheYoungKing


 Im sorry baby, its just that I missed u. ~ImATen

I rolled my eyes, ignoring Angel’s pathetic excuse as to why she was so stressed. Sterling had just left to go to Wal-Mart so I laid back on my bed, staring at the ceiling. After eleven minutes, all I could think about was Sereya. So I decided to do something about it.

I remembered Marcus telling me about how he was now talking to Janelle, Sereya’s friend so I texted him, asking if he could get Sereya’s number for me.

After Marcus got the number, I sent Sereya a text, hoping she would reply back. I waited for a while, but there was no new message alert. I went downstairs to sneak one of the cookies my mom just baked, and came back to my room.

Just as I devoured my cookie, I heard my phone vibrate. I quickly brushed the crumbs off my fingers, and dashed over to check my cell. It was just another text from Angel. Frustrated, I dropped my cell phone back on my bed, and opened up my book bag, ready to do homework.

Sereya’s POV:


I had managed to avoid Austin all day, including in second period. I dropped my books off at my locker, and then headed to the cafeteria.

“Hey girl,” Asia said, joining me in the back of the lunch line. Janelle was already sitting at the lunch table, looking at herself in the mirror.

I had ordered a slice of pepperoni pizza, blue ranch Doritos, and Fruit Punch Gatorade.

I walked to the lunch table and plopped a seat across from Janelle, where I always sit. I was extremely hungry, so I said a quick grace, and dug in. I bit ferociously into my pizza and sipped from my drink. Just then, Marcus walked into the cafeteria, and made his way straight to our table, sitting down next to Janelle.

“Hey Jae,” he smiled and nodded at Asia and I.

Jae? I wondered. Aww! He is so sweet!

“Hey Marcus. What are you doing here? You usually sit with your boys,” she said, wiping Caesar dressing from her bottom lip. 

“Yeah, I know but I wanted to surprise you,” Marcus answered.

He got up to go get his food, and we all went to whispering once he was a safe non-hearing distance away.

“Oh my gosh girl! What is this?” I practically screamed, way too excited.

“Shhh! I don’t know! I mean we were talking yesterday and then he was saying how he likes being around me and stuff,” Janelle disclosed.

“Dang Janelle, you got him wrapped around your finger,” Asia cooed.

“My baby’s all grown up,” I cried.

“You guys need to chill! He’s coming back! Act natural,” Janelle hissed.

I tried not to smile too much, but Janelle and Marcus were just so cute together.

Everything was going great until I looked up to take a swig of Gatorade to wash down my last chip.

In mid gulp, my eyes landed on the front of the cafeteria. Austin and his friend had just entered the door. Austin and I made eye contact and he was now walking confidently in my direction.

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