A/N forgive me!

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Sorry!!! I was editing a photo for the previous chapter and when I only needed one more element I realized that I put the video for that chapter..........I know.......stupid, right? >^< I feel like......like a baka..... So I may or may not be posting until my Christmas special! I know I skipped the Halloween special I couldn't write it in time with school and all. But I will be able to make time to write the Christmas one :D there's a 89% chance that I will post it on Christmas Day! I probably won't be posting until my X-mas special because of Finals! *dun dun duuuuuuuuun!* so yea. I really have to study for that and I won't be able to have my phone during that week. Well the pic I made is in this A/N so I hope U like all the 2 days I put into making it!!!! IT TOOK HOURS EACH DAY!!!!!!! *^* that's all for now my Sno-flakes!


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