Let Them Be Children/Hatchlings While They Can

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What the two dragon's look... They do, after all, look exactly the same (ignore the person there).

Thea's POV


We will spend our day here, giving us time to rest and recover. However, the idea of a traitor in our midst is becoming more and more likely. I said.

That it is, Storm replied but not putting too much thought into it. Storm laid down again, curling up in the sand. Go rest and have fun, he told me. Enjoy yourself.

Will you be okay?

In time, I will recover. I just need sleep and time. Storm replied, I nodded and walked off.

End Recap

It had been two days since we'd fought off the Dragon Riders and Magicians. We'd been traipsing through a forest for about six hours after with a bunch of rests and we were still walking. According to Vax, despite the fact he trusted us it was best for us to not know the exact position of the main rebel camp.

I can smell two other dragons, Storm told me. The others smell them too. Just as Storm said that, two dragons flew out of the trees in front of us from separate sides. They both came to a stop and stood in front of Storm, who growled warningly.

The two dragons looked exactly like each other. They were both a pale blue-white colour with small horns on their heads and no neck spikes. On their back was an odd leather thing that resembled a saddle. The dragons both clacked their jaws together, Storm growled slightly louder.

The dragon on my left hissed and flicked its tail while the other one looked at Vax with a tilted head. "I come with recruits Rurai and Kerai. I am under no spell or mental control, I'm sure you know who these fledglings are." Vax said, the two dragons nodded and moved away.

"Who are they?" I asked.

"Rurai and Kerai are twins. They're the dragons of two riders who are around here somewhere. I'm sure you'll see them soon. Rurai and Kerai probably warned them of our advance just then." Vax told me.

Ask Vax if the two dragons are identical twins. Storm told me, I repeated his question to Vax.

"They are identical twins. They hatched from the same egg and everything. I take it you know something about twins, hmm?" Storm looked at Vax and nodded his head slowly. Vax hummed in thought as we stopped in front of a bunch of brambles. "This is the tricky part." He muttered to himself, raising his hands. Before Vax could do anything though, the brambles seemed to shimmer before disappearing before my eyes. Vax turned around to face us and looked at Storm. "Interesting," Vax said, "Anyway, please go through, you'll see the camp in a second."

Storm was last to go through the gap, Vax riding in front of him. I looked back just in time to see the brambles reappear. I shrugged to myself, deciding it was magic and that I didn't need to think about it. In front of us, the dragons had come to a stop, Storm was allowed through the crowd to the front. From where we were, we could see tons of tents and small fires spreading throughout the forest, the treetops providing thick cover from the sky and the trees had ropes hanging down and small platforms in them.

I could see that Rurai and Kerai where as well, standing above the people that surrounding them. This is VoP, I thought to myself in awe. There were about sixty people standing up and gazing at the dragons, Storm seemed to feel the stares on him, as he stood straighter. The dragons all seemed to stand tall, despite the animosity being projected at us through the stares.

Dragon Rider (#Wattys2016)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें