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Bob and Jackie burst through a wooden door, stepping out into the cold air. When they didn't hear anymore growling, they stopped running, catching their breath.

"Holy shit.." Jackie breathed. "Never going back there again."

"I think I agree with you." Bob said, shining his flashlight straight ahead of him. "We gotta get back to the lodge, where Mark and Lily are."

She only nodded, following behind him, the wind snapping at her hair. About halfway through trying to find their way back, they heard shouting, and they stopped, listening closely.

"Bob! Jackie!" They heard a familiar voice shout.

"Mark!!" Jackie shouted back, blindly making her way to him, Bob behind her.

"Jackie!" Mark yelled, seeing them a few feet away. "Oh, thank god! Are you guys alright?"

Bob nodded. "Yeah, we're fine." He noticed the blood on Mark's shirt. "What the hell happened to you?"

"It's not mine..." He said. "It's someone else's..."

"Who's?" Jackie asked.

Mark and Lily shuddered at that thought again that still lingers in their minds. "'s S-Sean's.." Lily stuttered.

Bob's and Jackie's eyes widened. "Oh my god, what??" He asked.

"He..he's dead..." Mark said, tears running down his face again. "I...I killed him..."

"Wait WHAT?!" Jackie exclaimed. "Oh my god, Mark, WHAT?!"

"He didn't have a choice!" Lily said. "It was either him or me, he couldn't leave without one of us dying!"

"Who told you all this shit?" Bob asked seriously.

"I don't know, some maniac." Mark said. "But now Sean's dead...because of me!"

"Oh my god, we need to go get help!" Jackie said. "Like now!"

"I think we all need to chill a little bit." Bob suggested. "We've all seen some crazy shit tonight. Let's head back to the cabin, and just unwind from all of this."

They nodded in agreement, heading back when Jackie thought of something.

"'d he die? Like what happened?"

Lily shook her head. "It was horrible...he got...he got sawed in half...literally."

Jackie cringed. "Jesus...shit..."

They were all silent the rest of the way to the cabin.


They sat in a room, monitors eyeing every inch of the area, including outside. Feeling that determination go through them for what they've done, they looked at the camera with the gate, watching them go in, and they knew what they were going to do next. Getting the next plot set up, they headed out of the little room, waiting for the right time.


When everyone safely made it inside, they didn't really say anything to each other, just headed to their rooms, Mark shutting the door behind him, watching Lily sit on the bed.

"How you doin?" He asked, sitting next to her.

Lily shrugged. "I'm not sure...after everything that's been going on, I don't know anymore.."

"I kinda agree with you, there.." He said, putting his arm around her. "I don't know who or what would do something like this.."

"I don't know either.." She said, leaning her head on his shoulder. "What're we gonna do now?"

"Not sure, honestly..but from what we've been doing, is trying to figure out what's going on."

"I want more answers, too." She said, looking up at him. "I wanna find whoever is doing this and kill was supposed to be a nice weekend."

Mark chuckled. "I agree..I think we all want to."

Not saying anything for a few seconds, she suddenly sat up, and he turned his head to look at her.

"What is it?" He asked.

Lily leaned in a little closer. "I think we should pass time a little know..something that isn't all scary and what not."

He grinned at her, pulling her a little closer. "I think we can do that."

Leaning closer to her, he gently kissed her on the lips. Feeling her arms wrap around him, she came as close as she could, his arms firmly around her back. Opening her mouth a little more, she allowed him entrance when he suddenly lifted her on the bed, breaking the kiss as he crawled on top of her.
Mark lowered himself onto her, a smile on Lily's face after a while as he kissed her again, their hands roaming around each other. One of them made a soft noise, but they didn't care who when Mark moved his head, moving his lips up and down her neck, and she gasped, tilting her head back, her grip tightening around him.

But when it was just getting serious, they heard a thud close by, and Mark looked at their bedroom door.

"What was that?" He asked.

"I don't know. Sounded like it was outside." Lily said.

Sighing, he got off the bed, standing up. Lily followed behind him as he opened the door, heading downstairs. Going up to the front door, Lily stepped in front of him, peeking out the window towards the top of the door.

"I don't see anything." She said. "Maybe it was snow falling."

"Probably." Mark said.

She was just about to head back upstairs with him when the door slammed open.
And before they could react, Lily felt hands on her back and neck, and she screamed as she fought to get out of their grip, but it all happened so fast, and she vanished into the forest.

Mark immediately headed outside. "Lily?!!" He yelled. "Lily??!!"

There was no response.

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