"Ok listen up Marines! We are going out there to hunt down a very intelligent Mutation. Now, there will be a main attack force, consisting of Mr Abrams tanks, troop transports, BTRs, and Humvees. There will also be a Scouting Force ahead of the main attack force. This will consist of 2 Humvees and 1 Blackhawk helicopter. The units for this Scouting Force will be Greyhound One, and Red Leaf. The rest of you here, go get in your vehicle immediatly, we leave in 15 minutes." Shouted the mission briefing soldier.
"Go! Go! Go!", I heard in the distance as I walked to my Humvee.
"You ready Sergeant?" Asked one of my men.
"Affirmative, let's go kick some ass."
And with that, the operation, had begun."This is too quiet. And I can't see anything. Can anyone even see ten feet in front of them?" A voice echoing in the humvee.
I sat there, looking out of the window, seeing green fog, EVERYWHERE. You couldn't even see ten feet in front of you.
We started to finally get to the turn-back point.
"Ok ladies, we are nearing the turn-back point."
"Affirmative!" Came the response of multiple soldiers.
But, as we got closer to the turn-back point, the more noises I began to hear.
"Hey do you guys hear anything?" I asked over the radio.
"Negative!" Came the response.
I leaned back into my chair, relaxing slowly. They didn't hear anything, so that meant it was all inside my head. Nevertheless, as we got closer, the noises turned into voices, quiet, but definitely there.Their here....
Fresh meat!
Any second now...
Kill them all...
The voices echoed through my head, and I knew it wasn't mental. The bone that pierced my flesh, must've given me the ability to hear their thoughts.
The idea of this, gave me excitement, and it also frightened me.
But, as these voices were flying through my brain, I opened my eyes and realized that I was clutching my head, shaking, and had perspiration on my face. I jerked up, and the soldier next to me was staring at me.
"You Sergeant, you alright?" He asked, a bit of edginess creeping into his voice.
I ignored him and lunged for the radio. Gripping it in my hands, I quickly screamed into it.
"Brace yourselves! Their coming!" But, alas, I was too late. The moment I finished my sentence, the humvee behind us erupted into a ball of flames. Winged creatures flying above, latched onto the Blackhawk, and killed the pilot. The helicopter flew into the nearest building. Other winged creatures flew in from avove, locking eye contact with me before flying in, and spraying bones all over the windshield. They came through and killed the driver.
The driver was dead, the air was filled with gunfire from the only humvee left, the radio had been destroyed, and we were lost. We were down to 4 men.
But before we could even stop the humvee, it smashed right into the remains of a house.
I looked at the 2 other men around me, their faces filled with terror.
They had witnessed something that shouldn't have happened. But, what was worse, was that you weren't even safe within a vehicle. I looked up at the man that was manning the 50 caliber machine gun on top of the humvee. There was a bone fragment in his neck, his eyes were wide open in his gas mask, and his hands were tightly gripped to the machine gun.
The gun was still firing, and he was dead.
I got as close as I could, and I tore his hands off the gun, and shut the hatch into the humvee."We are so screwed!" One of the men cried out.
"No we are not!" I boomed," I've been in this situation before! Just stay calm, even if we are in danger, the attack force will find us. Once they realize the fact that we haven't reported, they'll come. Besides, they have armored vehicles. Bones can't pierce armor that thick. They can maybe pierce us because this isn't that thick. But, overall, we gotta stay calm. That's the key to survival."
They nodded, sweat pouring down their face.
"Everything is gonna be all right". I said. But as I said it, I knew one thing. The attack force wouldn't get here in time to save us.

Science FictionAfter Washington D.C is attacked by chemical bombs, thousands of Marines are sent there to contain the infection zone. As America fights back, the Marines are completely isolated, with no help whatsoever. This is the story of Private First Class (PF...