What a creepy place!
I was swimming through a swamp, to an old shack, where I had heard a woman that worked with magic lived, her name was Tia Dalma. I hauled myself up on the porch and knocked on the door. It was opened by a woman, she had dark skin and hair like Jack's only longer, her eyes were the same too, she wore a tight fitting faded dress and she was barefoot.
"What canna do for you?" Tia asked.
"Can you turn me into a human?" I looked up at her.
She seemed surprised, "You are not 'appy in dis form?"
"I have fallen in love with a pirate." I informed her.
"Love..." she fingered a heart shaped locket that hung from her neck, "Is a powerful ting. Are you sure dis is what you want?"
"Alright. I be right back." she went back in the hut.
We mermaids can't be totally out of the water for too long or we start to dry out, so I slipped back in and waited, she finally came back out with a bottle of some kind, holding it out she said, "Drink dis."
I obeyed and she motioned to me to get up on the porch again, so I did and was turned completely human. She motioned to me again, but this time to follow her, I slowly got up and in trying to take a step, I fell flat on my face. Getting up, I tried taking another step, it worked so I took another and fell again.
This is stupid.
I tried again, this time I was able to walk several steps but Tia stopped me with an armful of clothes, "Put deese on."
My new attire consisted of a white shirt like Jack's, pants like his, black boots and a blue sash.
I turned to Tia looking confused, "I didn't think women usually wear these clothes."
"Pirate women do."
"But how do I find him again?"
"What's 'is name?"
"Captain Jack Sparrow."
A smile spread across her face, "Ah, witty Jack. Swim north you will find 'im."
"Shhh. I explain. Whenever you get up to your waist in sea water, you turn back to your natural form and when you get completely out of de water you become human again."
"What about my..."
"When you turn into a mermaid, your shirt remains and when you turn back to human, you get all your clothes back."
"Thank you Tia Dalma, I promise I will find a way to repay you." I called, diving into the water.