Naruto Uzumaki was beaten, bruised, constantly mentally and physically broken because of what he didn't know. Guess that saying what you don't know won't hurt you is wrong.
"Why won't he die already?"
"Demon. He shouldn't be alive."
"Waist of space."
"I wonder why the Hokage even let him live."
Those words reached his ears and buried themselves in his heart. Cutting open with every vowel. He vowed not to cry. He vowed to not never smile. They all called him a nuisance but he acted like he didn't care when really his heart was bleeding from every word of it.
Even though he vowed to never cry it took all his energy to not shed a single tear in public but in secret he bawled his eyes out. He already had scars lining his arms and his backside. Not all from him but sometimes, the pain became too great.

Blonde's Savior *Naruto Fanfic
FanfictionThis based off the comment section in @naruto209ye 's book The promise. Me and Electricalcat30 have decided to start this book together and this is our profile together to write this book. I am Idonthavetotellyou. So please follow us here and/or on...