Forty-seven || Jenga, But With More Death

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Hey guys! How are you all this fine time of living?

Sooooo LONG chapter ON TIME what is up you guys, this is pretty cool, right? I am shamelessly looking for approval here.

Anyway, so sorry the character thingy hasn't gone up yet, I've been so busy. I mean, that's the go-to excuse, but honestly I am. There is just so much to do and not enough time to do it. But I got y'all a chapter and I'll try to work on replying to messages and comments so that's good.

Um, I actually don't have anything to say at the moment, of course I'll remember it halfway through the week, but let's take this usually ineffably boring paragraph to thank you guys. Because really, you guys are awesome. It's just really amazing when you comment because it allows me to reread my chapters as if I haven't written them and I'm a reader and I just want to thank you for that experience and opportunity. You're so nice, and polite, and you're just such a great group of humans and I'm so glad you enjoy my writing and I hope life is nice to you even though sometimes you wanna punch it in the face. With a hammer.

Anyway, dedication! This chapter goes to the lovely Carthya, because they are loyal and vote and comment and left a lovely comment somewhere back in older chapters and I didn't notice it until now and I just want to say thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time to write that. You deserve this chapter.

So that's it, my friends, I'm sorry if you have school or a test tomorrow. I mean, that's rough, buddy.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter!


"So where do you think we should look?" I ask Tide.

She stares down the street at the growing crowd of rubbernecking passerbys and emergency vehicles.

"Um," she says.

"We were on the seventh floor," I say, looking up at the smoking building. "That's roughly seventy feet up, and the blast pushed us out probably fifteen feet before we gained most of our momentum on the fall down. It probably took us about four seconds to fall and then another five minutes or so to get here. Jen is probably in shock, and if she hasn't come down on her own already, the firemen are going to be getting her to the ground right"

Tide stares at me. "What?"

I blink. "What?"

She frowns as if I'm from another planet. "How did you know all that?"

My head kind of hurts. "...What?"

She pulls me back into the alley we came from. "Are you okay? Last night, you knew the exact height of the building just from looking at it."

"I did?"

"Coal." Tide takes my face between her hands, making me look at her. "Are you okay?"

I nod. "Um, yeah..."

She narrows her eyes. "How tall am I?"

"Five feet and six and one fourth inches."

She gapes at me. "How tall is that street lamp?"

I glance up at where she's pointing. "Twenty-five feet and three fourths of an inch."

"Coal, what the hell?"

I shrug at her, helpless. "I dunno, I just know."

"How much time have we been talking for?"

"Two-hundred sixty-two thousand eight hundred seven minutes and eight seconds."

"Excuse me?"

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