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I walked into school and Scott was waiting by my locker. He was leaning against the locker to the left and wore his lacrosse uniform. He was looking around the hall and stops when he spots me.

"Allison," he said. "You made it."

"I said I would."

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Thanks Scott. I really appreciate what you did last night. I'm sorry about my dad."

"Don't worry about it. I'm just happy you're ok."

"I'm fine. Totally ticked at Matt and probably gonna take out a restraining order, but I'm fine."

Scott nods and says "Good. I've gotta go get on the field. The game is about to start. We still on for pizza after the game?"


"Cool." He gestures outside. "I'll see you."

I nod and he leaves quickly. I follow out and spot Lydia in the second row, her back on the space to her left. She waves me over and I take the seat.

"Scott told me about last night," she said with worry. "You ok? He didn't do anything, right? I'll get rid of him if he hurt you."

"I'm fine. Scott came in just in time. I can handle him, don't worry. I'm sorry I left without saying bye."

"You kidding? You were drugged. I think that gives you the right to be able to leave without saying bye. I heard your dad has a really good arm."

I bury my face in my hands before turning to the side to look at her. "I felt so bad."

"It's fine. Scott was laughing about it as he helped me clean up. He's really easy going. He's great like that."

I smile at Scott laughing with some of the team. Stiles was seated on the bench alone and Scott jogs over to him. They start talking and Stiles laughs at something he'd said.

"Stiles is really sweet."

I turn to Lydia and nod. "Yeah. He's really funny too."

She grins at me. "You like him. Oh my god, you totally have a crush on Stilinski. That explains it all. That's why you didn't want to swap partners. You already had the one you wanted. I can't believe I didn't see it sooner."

"No, that's not the reason. Not at all. I like Stiles, but just as friends."

She shrugs and says "Alright." She turns to the field. "Ooh, the game is about to start."


Scott was amazing. He dodged defenders like they were nothing and he had scored the winning goal. I couldn't stop smiling. He jogged over, hugging Lydia first and then me. We walked to the pizzeria and had got two regular slices.

"You were great out there," I said.

Scott chuckles and says "It was a team effort. I couldn't have done it without the other guys."

"A modest athlete, I've officially seen it all."

Scott laughs and says "Is it sad that I'm actually happy that Lydia turned me down and suggested you go with me instead?"

I shrugged with a wide smile and he returned it. The night progressed with us talking about random things. I couldn't believe how comfortable I feel talking with him. Just like that feeling I got from Lydia, it was like I had known him forever, but there was something stronger about this feeling than the other. All I know is that I can't stop smiling and I get a safe feeling when I'm with him.

"I better get you home," he said after a few more hours of just sitting and talking. "Wouldn't want your dad to worry."

I stand and say "About last night, I'm really sorry that he hit you."

"Allison, its fine. He was just being a protective dad. It's understandable. Don't feel guilty about it."


He walks me to the door and I smile at him.

"Thanks for tonight. I had a lot of fun."

He nods and says "I did too. We should totally do it again. If you don't mind of course."

"No, I'd like that."

"Good," he said with a sweet smile. "I look forward to it. I'll see you Monday."

"See you Monday."

He hugs me quickly and walks away with a wave. After I made it to my room, I pressed my back against the door and couldn't help but smile. Tonight was perfect. Getting over my crush on him wouldn't be easy, but being his friend is better than not having him at all.

I Love Him But I Can't (Scallison)Where stories live. Discover now