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3 days later

( Luke's POV )

Spending time with Maddie leading up to Christmas is awesome. Before I've staying at her house I wasn't really into the Christmas spirit but she's completely transformed me into a mild Christmas freak! Like I've almost only been staying at her house for about a week and I swear I know every. single. lyric. To every single Christmas carol ever written and composed, it's crazy! I'm not complaining though because I can now join in with her while she's singing them at the top of her lungs. Speaking of learning the Christmas freak way today Maddie is gonna teach me *drum roll* how to perfectly wrap a present and hoe to bake the perfect Christmas cookies. Now this lesson I'm extra excited about. But now that I think of it that's not the only thing I'm super excited about. Today is also the day we are booking our flight to Sydney. I know Maddie has been to Sydney before and she's met my family and stuff but this time it feels different, like its her first time coming to Sydney.

It's around mid day and Maddie's sitting on the couch, scrolling through flight deals on her laptop. I walk over and sit next to her, placing an arm around her shoulder.

"Did you find anything?" I ask while looking at the wide screen.

"I found one which is a pretty reasonable deal" she says while reopening a tab.

I take the laptop off the table and scroll down the page, reading through it as I go. She was right, it is a pretty good deal. I place the laptop back down and go into her bedroom where my bag of sh*t was left from when we picked it up last night. I scramble through the clothes until I find my wallet, walking back out to where she was seated on the couch.

"What are you doing? You can't pay for that? At least let me pay for my ticket." She says and I flash her a teethy grin.

"I want you to spend time with my family, I pay for your flight there." I say and she shrugs her shoulders and looks away.

I click the checkout button and pay for the tickets. It's all set. We're going to spend Christmas in Sydney with the rest of the Hemmings clan. No going back.

"And now that that is all sorted" she says quickly pecking my cheek. "We can wrap the presents"

We are literally going to need a second suitcase just for all of the gifts we're taking.

We both grab the bags that we placed under the tree a few days ago and put them into the middle of the floor as well as the tape and the gift wrap. I had taken Maddie's gift out of the bag so she can't find it in there at all. I got her a portable Bluetooth speaker which she's wanted forever and a cook book since she adores cooking.

"Ok, so first we put the biggest ite-"

"I know that bit Mad, it's just the actual wrapping." I say cutting her instruction off.

"Ok then, place the things on top of the paper" she says, placing her own items in order.

Once I had done that I teared off the paper I needed and waited for her instructions.

She explained it so perfectly the gift actually looked presentably wrapped. I tied a bow and stuck it on top off the gift which made it look even better. We continued the same process until all the presents were wrapped and placed in the suitcase. Once we zipped up the suitcase and placed it on the side of the room, I slouched my back, walked over to the couch and just collapsed.

"C'mon, it wasn't that hard was it?" Maddie said as she walks over and placed her hand on my back.

I groaned and just laid there for another minute before springing back to life.

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