You posted a picture on instagram (the one up there) and caption it Jack Gilinsky but my heart still remains to The one and only Dallas.
After a couple of days you got a snap. You opened the snap and it was from Dallas. He had a big grinning smile on his face. It captioned The one and only Dallas awh shucks I'm special.
You snapped him back
Y: you seen my Pic
C: Yes it was so cute
Y: well thanks
C: Your welcome babe
Y: No
C: no what?
Y:Just because your Dallas does not mean you call me babe
C: Ooo someone's a little fisty
C: I like that
You began to blush at what he said.
Y: Thanks
C: What's your name dolly
Y: One I'm not a doll and its (Y\N)
C: I love your name
Y: Thanks Dallas
C: Anytime
After that heart felt moment you had to get ready to go to the mall.
Cameron Dallas Imagine's
RomanceFor girls that love Cameon Dallas! Must read and tell me about it and idea's. Smut, Snapchat, anything!