Cassandra POV
I woke up and Jake wasn't here. I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. I wore a loose tank top and skinny jeans with white flip flops. I put on makeup and go downstairs. I sneak up and Jake while he was eating.
"HEY" I scream in his ear.
"Oh my god never do that" he said getting up.
"Here eat" he said and gave me a plate.
"So where is everyone" I say.
"Uh Austin is out with his friends and Alex went to the movies and Chloe is with her friends" he said.
"Hurry up" he said.
"I just got here wait where are we going" I say eating fast.
"Uh...practice now let's go" he said.
"Oh yah" I say getting up. I we got to the car and Jake drove us to the field. When we got there he ran to the locker room to change.
"Hey coach" he said running to the field. I followed him and hugged him.
"Hey" I say.
"Hey" he said.
"Hey guys" Vanessa said.
"Hey Vanessa and Ryan" I say. Jake and Ryan did there handshake.
"If you want you can take the car" he said.
"Thanks I will come back when" I say.
"Uh...1" he said.
"K bye love you" I say.
"Wait where are your" I say and thought something.
"They are in the locker room" he said.
"Go get them" I say.
"No I can't bye love you" he said and left.
"I am not going in there" I say and walk to the locker room. I waited for someone to come out.
"Hey can you do me a favor" I ask him.
"Uh...sure what's up" he said.
"Do you know Jake" I say.
"Yah" he says.
"Can you get his keys from his locker please" I say.
"Please" Vanessa said.
"Sure wait right here" he said and went in. He came out after 5 minutes.
"Here" he said giving me the keys.
"Thanks" I say and run.
"No problem" he yelled. I got in the car with Vanessa.
"So where do you want to go" I say.
"Uh...movies" she said.
"The mall or home" she said.
"Uh...I don't care" I said.
"Want to go home and watch a movie" I say.
"Yah" she said and I started the car.
"Do you want anything to eat" I say.
"Uh..we can make cupcakes" she said.
"Yah" I say and turn on the radio. We sang to the radio until we got home. When we got home put take my phone and hook it up on the speakers. We made cupcakes and sang to the songs until I got a called from Jake.
"Hey what's up how's practice" I say.
"It great but" he said and I got worried.
"But what" I say. the door" he said and I laughed. I ran to the door and open it.
"Why didn't you knock" I said and hugged him.
"I did you didn't answer because you were blasting music people could hear it from hell" he said.
"What we're you guys doing" Ryan said.
"Uh...rocking" Vanessa said.
"Well we made cupcakes" I say.
"Ok" Ryan said.
"Well put the music back on" Jake said and Everyone laughed. We put music back on and sang like maniacs. We danced for about a hour. Then someone turned down the music.
"What are you guys doing" Austin said.
"Turn it back on" we all say.
"No you guys are making people deaf" he said.
"What" I say.
"See" he same and came closer to me.
"YOU ARE MAKING PEOPLE DEAF" he screamed in my ear.
"Jess you don't have yell" I say and turn on the music but I got a call from my mom.
"Hey mom what's up" I say.
"Uh..sweetie I have something to tell you" she said. I froze and stood there.
"What is everything ok" I say.......

Looking for you
RomanceA girl named Cassandra fall in love with a boy. Will she date him or someone else. With Jake see that she likes him?