Never Provoke a Sleeping Aggron

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Airly's perspective

The two of us eventually ended up in a cave system. Neither of us had ever been in a cave before, so we weren't really sure how to navigate one. There were sharp rocks and narrow gaps everywhere, and our visibility was limited. The only light here was purplish, and gave me an uncomfortable feeling. Was I being watched?

As we ventured further into the cave, I began to notice Pokémon I'd never seen before everywhere. Blue Pokémon with purple wings that hung from the ceilings, Pokémon that looked as if they were made of rocks, red-faced Pokémon with sharp claws... I'd never been outside of the forest before, so I didn't know the names of any of these Pokémon, and they had probably never seen a Starly or Budew. One of these cave-dwelling Pokémon, which was tiny and yellow, seemed to be interested in us.

Eventually, the cave tunnels widened into a huge room, filled with even more Pokémon I'd never seen before. One such Pokémon was greyish-white, and its skin reflected what little light there was. It looked as if it was covered in holes, and a blunt spike on its back had a notch in it. It seemed to notice us, and want to talk to us, but then backed away.

Eventually, we came across a sleeping Pokémon which looked like a bigger version of the shy metallic Pokémon. I wanted to wake it up and see what it was, so I attacked it by running up and then slashing it, but the attack hurt me more than it seemed to hurt the Pokémon.

"Are you extremely stupid or something?" someone behind me said. It was a white, cylindrical Pokémon that emitted the same purple light as I saw earlier.

Suddenly, the giant Pokémon, which I figured was called "Aggron", woke up and let out a terrifying roar. It turned to face me, holding out one of its sharp claws ready to attack me.

"You are a complete and utter IDIOT!" the cylindrical Pokémon said. "You and your friend should run; I'll deal with this." She spun around, creating a vortex of orange fire and trapping the Aggron. She then made eye contact with the Steel-type, her eyes glowing purple, causing the metal monster to spin around clumsily. The bigger Pokémon promptly fell over.

"I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm a Litwick, and you can call me Wicks," she said. "Don't go risking your lives like that again! Although it would be rather hilarious..."

Jewbi and I introduced ourselves.

"So what brings a couple of idiots like you here?" she asked.
"Well... Jewbi and I are looking for somewhere called the World's Highest Place, but we need some other Pokémon with us to do that," I replied.
"Really? I've never heard of that place, and I highly doubt you would survive. Some other Pokémon here might be more willing to throw away their lives and go with you, mind."

Jewbi and I wandered further down the cave, trying to find someone else who'd be willing to go with us, and get as far away from that Litwick as possible.

Jewbi's perspective

Eventually, we found the smaller metallic Pokémon from earlier in a dark corner. I assumed it must have been related to the Aggron that Airly had foolishly attacked.

"Hello... what's your name...?" I asked, still rather shaken over the forest fire.
"Who are you and do you want?!" the Pokémon snapped back at us, with a sad tone in his voice.
"Sorry... we were just looking for some Pokémon to join our group. I'm Jewbi, a Budew, and my friend is Airly, a Starly."
"You..." the small Aggron-like Pokémon took a defensive pose and stared angrily at Airly. "You hurt mommy, didn't you!"
"Well, I don't really think I hurt her..." said Airly, sheepishly.
"You... you... you..." the little white Pokémon looked as if he was about to attack Airly.
"Oh, don't worry about him. He's always like this," said a rather high-pitched voice. We turned around to see tiny yellow Pokémon. "Ever since... no, I shouldn't tell random strangers about that. Anyway, I'm Tiko, a Joltik, and that's Oreon, an Aron."
"Oh! Tiko, would you be willing to join our group?" asked Airly.
"I'm not so sure. What are you going to do?"
"We're looking for somewhere called the World's Highest Place, where the Bringer of Life is said to live!"
"Bringer of Life, huh... Bringer of Life... why...?"
"Oh, it's because um..." Airly hesitated, then quickly finished his sentence. "Travyanoi Forest was destroyed."
"Oreon, what do you think?"

Tiko turned around to discover that the Aron had run away, crying.

Current group

Jewbi - Budew
Airly - Starly

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