Chapter 11

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Reba went to lay back down and when she did Brock picked her feet up and sat down putting them in his lap.

There was silence. No talking, no noise. Nothing. It filled the room. Cheyenne and Van didn't live there anymore. (I know that they didn't move out until later on but remember that this is a fanfiction.) Kyra has her band, so she was always playing and not at home. Then there was little Jake. He had his friends. Right now her kids would rather be with their friends than their mother.

The silence lasted a good hour. It was like tension, but it was a comfortable silence. It was almost like they didn't have a reason to be sitting there. As of someone cast a spell to make them appear.

"Ok. What do you want?" Reba asked.

"Oh, I came by to tell you that Barbara-Jean left."

"Ok. She told you that. And plus I don't care."

"Ok. So you don't care. But I wanted to come over because I missed you."

"Oh please. You didn't miss me. You must couldn't handle the fact of being alone."

"No. I missed you."

"Ok, Brock. Whatever. I know you."

"Yeah. You do. But I really did miss you."

"Did you really?" She asked shyly.

"Mhmmm." He replied kissing her temple.

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