Harry Imagine
You've been best friends of Harry Styles for quite some time. You met him shortly after X Factor started, and you hit it off really well. What no one knows, though, is that you have slowly fallen in love with him. He is on tour now, and you miss him something awful. He called you last week saying that he'd try to talk to management and see if he can come visit for a few days. You told him that he didn't have to, and that you understood that he'd be busy from now on.
You got a text from Zayn this morning. He didn't usually contact you, so you were skeptical before opening it.
(Y/n)... I know we haven't ever talked much, but I was wondering if you would be able to take care of Harry for a while. He's really sick, and management said we could take him to a friend to rest up. -Z
You replied, saying that of course you would watch him. Zayn said that Harry was boarding a plane as you spoke, and that he'd be at the airport by the next morning.
You cleared out the guest room, stocked up the fridge and medicine cabinet, and went to sleep, dreaming only of Harry.
You hear a knock on your door the next morning. You throw on a robe, run your fingers through your hair, and hurry to get the door.
"Harry!" You shout as you open the door. You pull him into a hug, and he softly kisses the top of your head. "How are you, do you need anything?" You ask as you reach for his two bags.
"No no no, let me," he says as he picks them up and follows you inside.
"Well, for someone who is 'really' sick, you sure look fine." He winked at you, and you realized your choice of words. "Now, you know I don't mean it like that. I mean... You don't SEEM to be sick to me..."
"Sure you didn't mean it like that,(y/n)" He said with a big smirk on his face.
"Alright, no matter which way either of us think I meant it, seriously.... Aren't you, ya know.. SICK??"
"Awh, is someone worried about me?" he asked, pinching your cheeks.
"Never, its just... Zayn said you were really sick... And that you needed me to watch you until you got better..." At this, he started laughing.
"Oh, Zayn really blew it out of proportion. I haven't been sick in the virus or bacteria kind of sick. I've been sick as in sick with worry..." he trailed off.
"What have you been worried about?" you asked as you walked into the living room and sat down on your couch.
"Well..." he said sitting down next to you. "I'veactuallybeenreallyworriedthatyouwentandgotaboyfriendbutIdidn'twantthattohappenbecauseIreallylikeyouandIwantedtoaskyouifyouwantedtogooutwhileI'mhere..." he rushed.
"Whoah there, slow down, take a few breaths, and please repeat that in English. Okay Haz?"
He sighed before speaking slowly. "I've actually been really worried that you went and got a boyfriend but I didn't want that to happen because I really like you and wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out while I'm here..." After he stopped, he looked at you, making you blush and look away.
"Umm... I'll be right back... I'm going to go... Get dressed," you managed to stammer out before running to your room. You quickly ran a brush through your hair, got dressed, brushed your teeth, and put a little makeup on before running back to the living room, pausing before you entered to calm your heart enough to make it look like you hadn't been rushing. "Harry?" you asked as you walked in. He wasn't on the couch anymore. "Harry!?!" you called out.
You felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist from behind you. You squealed and turned around, placing your hands on his chest. "So, do I get an answer for my very fast and very awkward question?"
"Yes, Harry," you replied.
"Wait... Is that a 'yes you will get an answer' or 'yes I will go out with you'?"
"That was a 'yes I will go out with you' you silly oaf."
"Hey, words hurt!" he exclaimed.
"I could make it better if you wanted."
"Oh really?" he asked. "And how would you do that?"
Instead of answering him, you wrapped your arms around his neck, and softly pressed your lips to his. "Is that better?"
"Not quite..." he said before smashing his lips to yours, kissing you with built up passion. You were surprised, but you began to kiss him back. You pulled away before he started making things too heated.
"Ah ah ah," you warned. "Naughty naughty boy."
"Awh come on, not even a little bit more?" he asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.
"Nope, not until you take me out on a proper date."
He sighed and dropped his arms, you did the same. You couldn't believe that you actually had enough courage to do any of that, so you began to get embarrassed. Your cheeks grew bright red and sadly, Harry noticed.
"So, a proper date... I could take you out to lunch. How does that sound?"
"Well," you said. "That sounds nice, but isn't it a little early for lunch?" He took out his phone and showed you the time, 11:45 am. "Oh..." You hadn't realized how fast the day had already gone.
"So, lunch?" he pressed.
"Sure, how about... Half an hour?" You couldn't bee seen out with Harry looking like you did now... You had to change and put on actual makeup.
"Fifteen, tops," he said. Your eyes grew wide and you ran to your room.
You rand back out exactly fifteen minutes later, all ready to go.
"Wow... (y/n) you look... Wow..." You smiled. He was speechless. You grabbed your phone in one hand, and his hand in the other, and you both made your way out of the building. He took you out to lunch, and then you two went back to your flat. You let him kiss you again, letting it go a little further than last time, but not too far.
He left later that week, texting and calling you whenever he had the chance. After his tour, you two went official amongst yourselves and the band, and went out to the public a year after he came to your flat "sick"